WrIst strAP GrounD PArKInG stAtIon 09741 DESCO cHIno cA MADe In usA A. Dual banana jacks for grounding two wrist straps (.162 - .164 .002 ID). B B. Black anodized aluminum angle bracket frame, mounts underneath worksurface. e c. Dual .155 (4mm) studs for parking wrist strap ground cords when not in use. D. 10 ground wire. Insulator: PVc, yellow striped green, .100 oD. conductor: 105 A strands each. Approximately 22 gauge with a 10 (.200 ID) ring terminal. e. slotted bracket allows easy installation for screws with a maximum diameter of .175 (4.4mm). F F. Grounding symbol markings on each banana jack. I G. extra 10 (.200 ID) ring terminal for custom installation. H. Vinyl boot insulates electrical circuits. I. Wrist strap parking station. H G WorKBencH B 1.5 In. A D c D I I Ground Made in America GROUND CORD, DUAL WRIST STRAP, BENCH MOUNT WITH PARKING STATION Specifications and procedures subject to change without notice. DESCO WEST: 3651 WALnut AVe., cHIno, cA 91710 WeB sIte: Desco.com DRAWING DATE: PHone (909) 627-8178 FAX (909) 627-7449 FAX reQuest (909) 627-7126 NUMBER February DESCO EAST: one coLGAte WAY, cAnton, MA 02021-1407 PHone (781) 821-8370 FAX (781) 575-0172 09741 2010 2010 Desco InDustrIes Inc. employee owned 2.5 In.X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Antistatic Control Products category: Click to view products by Desco manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 13020 13490 13870 13879 13881 13883 13882 14404 2202SP 3039 37061 42470 09060 09857 42516 37059 04563 17252 19691 19695 09037 09826 09813 66070 100816 68101 68103 98132 73741 13868 13485 13457 13245 13468 13420 13332 13205 13135 91070 8031 8523 66085 40931 37081 13080 13215 13806 73749 010-0225 17260