X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DS-GPM.S across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DS-GPM.S are a product manufactured by Designer Systems. We provide cost-effective solutions for DS-GPM.S, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DS-GPM.S Designer Systems

DS-GPM.S electronic component of Designer Systems
DS-GPM.S Designer Systems
DS-GPM.S Unclassified

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. DS-GPM.S
Manufacturer: Designer Systems
Category: Unclassified
Description: GPS MOD, 2.5M, INT ANT, FOR ARDUINO
Datasheet: DS-GPM.S Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 86.5133 ea
Line Total: USD 86.51 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 13 Mar to Wed. 19 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 86.5133

Product Category
Supply Voltage Min
Supply Voltage Max
No Of Channels
Frequency Rf
Position Accuracy
Module Interface
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the DS-GPM.S from our Designer Systems manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DS-GPM.S and other electronic components in the Designer Systems manufacturer and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image PHAT-RV
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Stock Image PHAT-NBIOT
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Stock Image PHAT-HIFI
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Stock Image SHLD-GPM+
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Stock Image GSM2C2R
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image F-596-C
Stock : 1
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Stock Image RVUVK105CH020BW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 50V, C0H
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Stock Image MPZ2012-KIT
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Stock Image RVEVK105CH3R9JW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 16V, C0H
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Stock Image RMJMK063BJ224MP-F
CAP 0.22UF 6.3VDC X5R 20% SMD 0201
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Stock Image RMUMK105CG3R9CV-F
CAP, MLCC, 0402, 50V, C0G, 3.9
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Stock Image OSTOQ025350
Conn Shrouded Header (4 Sides) HDR 2 POS 5.08mm Solder ST Thru-Hole
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Stock Image F-465-C
F465C waldom
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Stock Image F-524-C
F524C waldom
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Stock Image F-040-C
F040C waldom
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Designer Systems PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING Global Positioning System (GPS) Shield for Arduino and Raspberry-PI Technical Data DS-GPM.S Firmware version 1 Features Description TM The Designer Systems DS-GPM.S Arduino UNO Shield is a highly integrated Global Posi- standard form factor for simple integration into any tioning System allowing your ro- botic application to determine its Arduino project. 2 location on the earths surface. I C interface for simple con- Specifically targeted at the Ar- nection to Arduino or Rasp- duino UNO board user MEGA berry-PI and NANO boards also supported Give your robot the ability and the Raspberry-PI the GPM.S to know where it is, how fast 2 features I C communication to its moving and in what di- leave the serial TX/RX port free rection*. for other functions eg. wireless Fast 56-channel position ac- communication. quisition with battery back- Applications up for fast < 1 second hot GPS data received by the DS- The DS-GPM.S has many ap- start and < 30 second warm GPM.S is stored within internal plications in robotics, security start. registers which are updated once and timing. For example the Simple register based data per second and include: module could be used to send a retrieval of latitude, longi- rover to a particular position or tude, heading, altitude, Latitude (i.e. vertical) be used to form a vehicle secu- speed, time, date & satellites rity solution in-conjunction Longitude (i.e. horizontal) in view. with an embedded controller Altitude (metres) Integral low power antenna. and GSM modem. Application Time & date (UTC) Built in fully programmable notes for the UNO controller Heading (True & Magnetic) 4 line IO and 8 bit ADC in- are provided. Speed (kilometres per hour) put port for local sensors. Satellites detected In addition the DS-GPM.S fea- tures an on-board fully configura- ble four line programmable IO and analogue input port with automatic measurement. Selection Guide Description Part Number Global Position System Shield DS-GPM.S * Note: GPS information cannot be collected without a clear view of the sky. Raspberry-PI, Arduino, UNO, NANO, UNO & MEGA are trademarks 1997-2013 Designer Systems Page 1 of 8 COMMS23.04.11 Revision 1.03 .co.uk COMMS MODULES unit left in the open air until the GPS basics IO port STATUS indicator starts to flash. The heart of the DS-GPM.S is a Glob- The DS-GPM.S features a fully pro- al Positioning System receiver module grammable four line CMOS in- Warm start mode: and antenna that receive signals from put/output or 8bit Analogue to Digi- This mode applies to a GPM that satellites orbiting the earth. tal Converter port I/O 1 to 4. has already been cold-started and There are 32 of these satellites, each Each IO is configurable as an out- whose location has not changed sig- sending its own unique signal to the put, an input or an analogue input by nificantly when powered up again or earths surface for pickup by any GPS configuring the registers R0-3. has been powered down for at least receiver, which searches the sky for When an IO is configured for a one (1) hour. Positional information available satellites. normal input the applied voltage 0 is normally available again within Upon detecting the satellites in view or 5V is read and stored in an input 45 seconds of power re-application. and their current position the receiver register which can be read by the 2 uses the satellites with highest signal connected I C device. When an IO is Hot start mode: strength to calculate, using triangula- configured as an output the output This mode applies when the GPM tion, the receivers latitude, longitude state will be 0 or 5V dependant on has been powered off for less than & altitude** (position). the output register contents written 2 60 minutes. Positional information Latitude is measured in degrees and by the connected I C device. is normally available again within 1- minutes either North or South of the When an IO is configured for ana- 10 seconds of power re-application. equator. logue input** it is automatically Longitude is measured in degrees and updated every 100mS from an ex- The warm and hot start power-up minutes either West or East of an im- ternal input voltage of 0 - 5V and modes are possible due to an inter- aginary line drawn vertically through the result stored in internal registers nal backup battery which powers the Greenwich in the UK. which can be read by the connected 2 Real Time Clock (RTC) and alma- Altitude is measured in metres above I C device (see register details fur- nac memory when external power is sea level. ther on in this datasheet). The port removed. For example the offices of Designer also incorporates a ground and Vin Systems in Truro, UK are located 50 bus that allows sensors to be directly STATUS indication degrees, 15.817 minutes North latitude connected (see Fig. 3.0) and 5 degrees, 3.549 minutes West Warning: These inputs are not over- The STATUS indicator is used to longitude. voltage protected and should not be provide visual feedback of the cur- Should the receiver also be moving, subjected to voltages over 5V. rent GPM condition. There are three speed in kilometres per hour, and 2 (3) conditions as follows: heading, in degrees true north and I C connection 2 magnetic north, can also be deter- The I C connections are marked ON Steady Power applied and mined. SDA and SCL and allow connec- no positional infor- To gain the best reception the GPM tion to the Arduino UNO board mation. should be used outside with a good ANALOG IN pins 4 and 5 or the Flashing slowly Positional infor- view of the sky. Trees and buildings mation received. Rasperberry-PI GPIO port pins 3 will cause the GPS signals being 2 Flashing fast GPM in motion. and 5 (see Fig. 2.0) or another I C received to degrade and position- Master device. al/speed information may be lost. To These conditions will change as the greatly improve reception the GPM GPM moves around its location and The DS-GPM.S is fitted with pull- should be mounted above a metal under objects that may block the up jumpers that can be configured to base. satellite signals. provide the source current necessary ** LLA format to WGS-84 ellipsoid. 2 for I C communication. The follow- Power requirements ing jumpers should normally be set Operation The DS-GPM.S takes the power when using the UNO board, as long 2 When power is applied to the GPM necessary for operation (approx. 30- as the I C bus does not have existing the unit immediately starts to search 90mA) from an external battery or pull-ups provided by another de- for satellites. The GPM can start in power adaptor or power from the vice. These jumpers MUST be re- one of three (3) modes, as follows: Arduino UNO board. moved when using the Raspberry- The GPM provides three PCB pads, PI: Cold start mode: two marked GND and one marked This mode only applies when the Vin in the same format as that pre- SDA GPM has been powered-up for the sent on the UNO board, which first time after being removed from should be connected to negative and SCL its packaging. As the GPM does not positive battery/power supply termi- know where it is on the earths sur- nals respectively. The input voltage PULL UP face, it starts to hunt for groups of range is 7 - 16VDC with the internal satellites to determine its location. 2 circuitry being protected against I C communication This process may take up to 30 power supply reversal. Up to four DS-GPM.S modules may minutes before positional infor- be connected to the same UNO / mation is available it is suggested 2 Raspberry-PI board or I C bus and that a battery be connected and the 1997-2013 Designer Systems Page 2 of 8 COMMS23.04.11 Revision 1.03

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