X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DS-RGBW.S across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DS-RGBW.S are a product manufactured by Designer Systems. We provide cost-effective solutions for DS-RGBW.S, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DS-RGBW.S Designer Systems

DS-RGBW.S electronic component of Designer Systems
DS-RGBW.S Designer Systems
DS-RGBW.S Unclassified

Images are for reference only
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Part No. DS-RGBW.S
Manufacturer: Designer Systems
Category: Unclassified
Datasheet: DS-RGBW.S Datasheet (PDF)
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1: USD 102.8162 ea
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1 : USD 102.8162

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We are delighted to provide the DS-RGBW.S from our Designer Systems manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DS-RGBW.S and other electronic components in the Designer Systems manufacturer and beyond.

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Stock Image RVUVK105CH020BW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 50V, C0H
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CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 16V, C0H
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CAP 0.22UF 6.3VDC X5R 20% SMD 0201
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CAP, MLCC, 0402, 50V, C0G, 3.9
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Conn Shrouded Header (4 Sides) HDR 2 POS 5.08mm Solder ST Thru-Hole
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F465C waldom
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F524C waldom
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F040C waldom
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Designer Systems PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING LED Lighting Shield for Arduino and Raspberry-PI Technical Data DS-RGBW.S Features Description TM The Designer Systems DS- Arduino UNO Shield RGBW.S is a four 4 channel standard form factor for simple integration into any high current LED driver shield capable of driving four 4 1-12 Arduino project 2 LED chains. I C interface for simple con- Specifically targeted at the Ar- nection to Arduino or Rasp- duino UNO board user all other berry-PI Arduino boards supported and the A complete mono or colour Raspberry-PI the RGBW.S fea- lighting system for rooms, 2 tures high speed I C communica- aquariums, fish ponds, ex- tion for easy project integration ternal lighting etc. 2 The on-board I C pull-ups are and smooth brightness control. Four 4 high current jumper configurable to allow dis- 350mA each LED driver connection when connecting to the Each of the four 4 350mA capa- channels supporting 1-12 Raspberry-PI, which has its own ble channels features a 1024 step LEDs per string 1.75 to pull-ups. brightness control, open/short cir- 17Watts (5-48VDC supply) . 2 cuit protection, current monitoring I C address links allow up to The supplied RGBW 4W lamp and can support a LED chain of 1- four 4 shields to be used features high quality OSRAM 12 LEDs dependant on power together OSLON LEDs, finned heatsink supply connected . This allows the Simple register based con- and has a maximum light output user to create RGBW lighting ef- trol of brightness / colour level of 340 lumens. fects, using the supplied RGBW and sun-rise, sun-set and lamp, or driving external RGB moon light simulation modes strips /coins etc. or 4x white strips Applications R.G.B.W high brightness /coins for accent lighting, room The DS-RGBW.S has many LED module with heatsink lighting, aquarium lighting etc. applications in domestic room supplied as standard other lighting, outside lighting, fish modules available The built in aquarium mode pro- ponds, accent lighting and LVD, RoHS and WEEE vides advanced control of the sup- aquarium lighting to name a compliant product plied RGBW lamp, or external few. The built in aquarium 10Watt RGBW lamp, to provide mode provides timed set and simulation of moonlight, sunrise, forget moonlight/sunrise/sunset day and sunset cycles which run simulation for large or small on an internal 24 hour timer. aquariums. Selection Guide Description Part Number LED Lighting Shield w. RGBW LED lamp DS-RGBW.S 6500K Cool white LED lamp 4x White 424 lm max. DS-LD4.S-W 3500K Warm white LED lamp 4x White 336 lm max. DS-LD4.S-WW Raspberry-PI, Arduino, NANO, UNO & MEGA are trademark Note: A 12VDC 500mA power supply is required 2013-2014 Designer Systems Page 1 of 8 CNTRL20.06.13 Revision 1.01 .co.uk CONTROL MODULES The following table shows how the Power requirements LED connection jumpers are placed for the different The DS-RGBW.S requires two The LED interface is an eight (8) pin binary addresses: power supplies for operation. horizontal 2.54mm pitch header, pinned as follows: Address xx A0 A1 Controller power 00 (default) ON ON The power necessary for on-board RED - 01 OFF ON controller operation (approx. 2- 10 ON OFF RED + 10mA) is taken from an external 11 OFF OFF GREEN - battery, mains power adaptor or GREEN + from the Arduino or Raspberry-PI The binary address (xx) above is BLUE - board. used in conjunction with the device BLUE + The RGBW provides three PCB ID 11100xxD to form the complete WHITE - pads, two marked GND and one device address i.e. if both jumpers WHITE + marked Vin in the same format as are left connected (default) then the that present on the UNO board, device address would be The corresponding chain of coloured which should be connected to nega- 1110000D . binary LEDs should be connected with its tive and positive battery/power sup- The D bit determines if a read or a CATHODE connected to - and its ply terminals respectively. The input write to the RGBW is to be per- ANODE end connected to +. voltage range is 4.75 - 16VDC with formed. If the D bit is set 1 then the internal circuitry being protected a register read is performed or if 2 against power supply reversal. I C connection clear 0 a register write. 2 The I C connections are marked LED power SDA and SCL and allow connec- To access individual registers a de- The power necessary for LED op- vice write must be undertaken by the tion to the Arduino UNO board 2 eration is taken from an external ANALOG IN pins 4 and 5 or the I C Master which consists of a Start battery or mains power adaptor. condition, device ID (D bit Rasperberry-PI GPIO port pins 3 2 Connection of the external supply to and 5 (see Fig. 2.0) or another I C cleared), register to start write, one the RGBW module is through a two or more bytes of data to be written Master device. (2) way pluggable screw terminal and a stop condition (see Figure 1.0 2 block marked 48VDC MAX. The for I C write protocol). The DS-RGBW.S is fitted with pull- positive connection is marked up jumpers that can be configured to +++++ but is internally polarity There are 20 individual registers that provide the source current necessary 2 protected to prevent damage to the for I C communication. The follow- can be written to within the RGBW LED drivers. that control WHITE, RGB, HSB and ing jumpers should normally be set when using the UNO board, as long R.G.B.W levels, Clock, Sun- 2 A supply voltage should be selected rise/Sunset and Moonlight configu- as the I C bus does not have existing dependant on the number of LEDs pull-ups provided by another de- ration as follows: connected in series as a chain to the vice. These jumpers MUST be N N N N N N N N 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LED output. A good rule of thumb removed when using the Raspber- is Number of LEDs in string x 4V RGBW I2C address ry-PI: 1. 1 1 1 0 0 X X 0 but a minimum input voltage of XX = RGBW address 12VDC is recommended. Register address SDA R0 U U U B B B B B B..B = 0 to 20 Examples: U..U = unused on this implementation SCL Each channel has 6x RED, BLUE and Configuration register GREEN LEDs connected in a series chain, R1 U U U U U U X W therefore input supply = 6 x 4V = 24VDC. PULL UP W = 0 or 1 (0 = Normal mode, 1 = Aquarium mode) X = 0 or 1 (0 = Moonlight OFF, 1 = Moonlight ON) Each channel has 12x RED, BLUE and U..U = unused on this implementation 2 I C communication GREEN LEDs connected in a series chain, WHITE brightness value register therefore input supply = 12 x 4V = 48VDC. Up to four DS-RGBW.S modules R2 U D D D D D D D D..D = 0 to 100% (WHITE brightness value) may be connected to the same UNO 2 DO NOT exceed the maximum / Raspberry-PI board or I C bus and RGB RED value register R3 D D D D D D D D input voltage of 48VDC accessed individually using their D..D = 0 to 255 (RED RGB value) own individual address. RGB GREEN value register A supply of 12VDC 500mA is The address is configured with the R4 D D D D D D D D D..D = 0 to 255 (GREEN RGB value) recommended for the supplied following jumpers: RGBW 4W lamp. RGB BLUE value register R5 D D D D D D D D ADDRESS D..D = 0 to 255 (BLUE RGB value) A0 HSB HUE value register R6 D D D D D D D D D..D = 0 to 255 (Hue value) A1 HSB SATURATION value register R7 D D D D D D D D D..D = 0 to 255 (Saturation value) 2013-2014 Designer Systems Page 2 of 8 CNTRL20.06.13 Revision 1.01

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