The IW1799-32B is a switching controller with an SOIC-8 RoHS package manufactured by Dialog Semiconductor. The device is used for low voltage synchronous buck converter applications to provide up to 2A output current. It comes with integrated high-side and low-side power MOSFETs, current-mode control and an adjustable switching frequency up to 1MHz.The device offers various features such as accurate current limit, cycle-by-cycle current protection, limited slew rate control, feed-forward control, and excellent line and load regulation. In addition, the device supports programmable soft-start time, adjustable frequency synchronization, thermal shutdown, and GPIO for external PWM control. This device also has load disconnect feature which can be enabled/disabled through an external pin. It is suitable for applications such as digital TVs, computer systems, networking computers, telecom and datacom systems, and other consumer electronics products.