X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 76000872 Specialised Cables across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 76000872 Specialised Cables are a product manufactured by Digi International. We provide cost-effective solutions for Specialised Cables, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

76000872 Digi International

76000872 electronic component of Digi International
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Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.76000872
Manufacturer: Digi International
Category: Specialised Cables
Description: Specialized Cables Cable-15-pin, 4m Comp.WR44/WR41
Datasheet: 76000872 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)

Availability Price Quantity
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 106.2368

Product Category
Factory Pack Quantity :
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Product Type
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 76000872 from our Specialised Cables category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 76000872 and other electronic components in the Specialised Cables category and beyond.

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D i gi Tr an s Po r t F le e t C ar d U se r G ui d eRevi si o n hi sto ry90001245 Re v i s i on Date De s cri p ti on B Aug us t , 2 0 1 1 Adde d GP S a nt e nna inf or ma t ion. C M a r ch, 2 0 1 2 U pda t e d C AN bus inf or ma t ion. D July, 2 0 1 2 M a de minor e dit or ia l upda t e s . E Se pt e mbe r , 2 0 1 2 Adde d a ddit iona l I g nit ion Se ns e I nput inf or ma t ion. F July, 2 0 1 7 C ombine d t he Dig i Tr a ns P or t F le e t C a r d a nd F le e t I / O docume nt a t ion in one docume nt , omit t ing Dig i App N ot e 4 9 , Using th e D igi T r ansPo r t Fleet Car d . T rademark s and c o pyri ght Dig i, Dig i I nt e r na t iona l, a nd t he Dig i log o a r e t r a de ma r k s or r e g is t e r e d t r a de ma r k s in t he U nit e d St a t e s a nd ot he r count r ie s w or ldw ide . All ot he r t r a de ma r k s me nt ione d in t his docume nt a r e t he pr ope r t y of t he ir r e s pe ct ive ow ne r s . 2 0 1 7 Dig i I nt e r na t iona l I nc. All r ig ht s r e s e r ve d. D i sc lai mers I nf or ma t ion in t his docume nt is s ubje ct t o cha ng e w it hout not ice a nd doe s not r e pr e s e nt a commit me nt on t he pa r t of Dig i I nt e r na t iona l. Dig i pr ovide s t his docume nt a s is , w it hout w a r r a nt y of a ny k ind, e x pr e s s e d or implie d, including , but not limit e d t o, t he implie d w a r r a nt ie s of f it ne s s or me r cha nt a bilit y f or a pa r t icula r pur pos e . Dig i ma y ma k e impr ove me nt s a nd/ or cha ng e s in t his ma nua l or in t he pr oduct (s ) a nd/ or t he pr og r a m(s ) de s cr ibe d in t his ma nua l a t a ny t ime . Warranty To vie w pr oduct w a r r a nt y inf or ma t ion, g o t o t he f ollow ing w e bs it e : w w w .dig i.com/ how t obuy/ t e r ms S end c o mments Docu me n tati on f e e d b ack: To pr ovide f e e dba ck on t his docume nt , s e nd your comme nt s t o t e chcomm dig i.com. Custo mer suppo rt Di gi Te ch n i cal Su p p ort: Dig i of f e r s mult iple t e chnica l s uppor t pla ns a nd s e r vice pa ck a g e s t o he lp our cus t ome r s g e t t he mos t out of t he ir Dig i pr oduct . F or inf or ma t ion on Te chnica l Suppor t pla ns a nd pr icing , cont a ct us a t + 1 9 5 2 .9 1 2 .3 4 4 4 or vis it us a t w w w .dig i.com/ s uppor t . Suppor t por t a l log in: w w w .dig i.com/ s uppor t / e s e r vice D igi T r ansPo r t Fleet Car d User G uide 2

Tariff Desc

8544.49.19 TC 614486 single core, rated at 50V and 120A maximum

8544.42.11 3 Goods, as follows: Free
a] compensation or extension leads for thermo-couples
b] of a kind used for telecommunications

8504.50.10 Goods, as follows: Free
a] designed for use with equipment of 8471
b] for telecommunication apparatus of 8517

8544.49.20 TC 1718538 COMPUTER DATA, having ALL of the following:
a] copper wire conductors
b] multiple layered insulation covering
c] conductor resistance NOT greater than 55ohm/km


8544.20.00 TC 104967 COAXIAL, without connectors, having ANY of the following dielectric
a] polytetrafluoroethylene
b] air
c] polyethylene foam
d] polyethylene

8544.2 TC 8439820 coaxial, having a polytetrafluoroethylene dielectric

8544.42.29 CABLES, COMPUTER, being ANY of the following
a] flat ribbon
b] audio
c] video
d] serial interface
e] LED strip
f] data
g] local area network
h] internal drive
i] switch jumper
j] modulator/demodulator MODEM
k] planar to modulator/demodulator MODEM
l] signal
TC 061449

8544.70.00 22 Optical fibre cables Free Fitted with connectors

8544.42.29 TC 933265 POWER CABLES, COMPUTER, having ALL of the following:
a] three core cable
b] fitted on one end with a moulded three pin plug
c] NOT less than 240V

8544.49.20 TC 614480 WIRE AND CABLE, ELECTRICAL, INSULATED, having ALL of the following:
a] jacket of compolymer of ethylene and tetrafluorethylene ETFE
b] surface printed with letters, numbers, stripes or combinations for circuit identification

8533.39.00 RESISTANCE WIRE Free

8544.42.19 TC 1231245 AUDIO VIDEO, having high-definition multimedia interface HDMI connectors OR digital video interface connectors

8544.42.19 TC 614510 maximum length 10m, having ANY of the following end connections:
a] RCA plugs or sockets
b] mono plugs
c] stereo plugs or sockets
d] DIN plugs
e] plugs with twin wire ends
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