ZXBM1021 SINGLE PHASE VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR CONTROL PRE-DRIVER Description Pin Assignments The ZXBM1021 is a high performance, low noise, single-phase, (Top View) Direct Current Brushless (BLDC) motor pre-driver with variable PWM speed control and current control suitable for fan and blower motors. For system flexibility the motor speed can be controlled by either an external PWM control signal or by a DC voltage signal from an external control voltage or from a Thermistor network. Ph1Lo HBIAS ThRef Ph2Lo To prevent motor inrush current the device has a soft start feature. To help protect the motor coil, the ZXBM1021 provides rotor lock PWMSPD ZXBM1021 Ph1Hi protection which shuts down the output drive if rotor lock is detected. SPD SetThRef The device automatically re-starts with soft-start when the rotor lock is C Sense SPD removed. The ZXBM1021 monitors the motor current to provide a programmable over current limit. A Tachometer output is provided by the open collector output Frequency Generator (FG) pin which allows external interface to monitor motor rotation or speed. The FG output is the magnetic U-QFN4040-20 change frequency. (Top View) The ZXBM1021 is available in space saving and low profile V+OP U-QFN4040-20 and industry standard QSOP-20 packages. 1 Vcc 20 Ph2Hi H+ Ph1Lo Features H- HBIAS Ph2Lo Operating voltage: 6.8V to 18V Ph1Hi ThRef ZXBM1021 Can be extended with external regulator SetThRef PWMSPD Speed control via external PWM, DC or Thermistor signals Sense SPD Low noise, high efficiency SetTh Soft start C SPD FG Integrated current control S MIN Reference voltage output C 11 LCK 10 GND Built-in Hall amplifier for direct connection of Hall element QSOP-20 Rotor Lock Protection Lock detection, output shutdown and automatic re-start Minimum speed setting Applications Frequency generator (FG) output Thermally enhanced space saving low profile U-QFN4040-20 and Personal, servers and mainframe computers cooling fans industry standard QSOP-20 packages Instrumentation and equipment cooling fans Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2) Home appliance fans and blowers Halogen and Antimony Free. Green Device (Note 3 ) Central heating blowers and extraction systems Industrial fans, blower and extractors Hand dryers Hand-held power tools Pumps Notes: 1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) & 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) compliant. 2. See ZXBM1021 Typical Applications Circuit (Note 4) D2 12V R12 1N4004 (Optional) D1 3 3 1N4148 V V+OP CC R6 R4 1k Q1-4 1k R5 H+ 4 4 Ph2Hi ZXMC 100 C1 3A17DN8 Hall 1F H- R1 Ph1Lo C5 5 & 6 5 & 6 470 R2 W1 HBIAS Ph2Lo 7 & 8 7 & 8 2.2F 470 Ph1Hi R3 ThRef 2 2 ZXBM1021 100 PWMSPD SetThRef PWM control R7 33k SPD Sense 1 1 R9 C SPD SetTh 12k S FG MIN R8 C2 470 C GND LCK 0.1F R10 Rsense 16k 0.1 C4 C3 0.1uF 0.47F FG 0V Typical Applications Circuit for PWM Control using the ZXBM1021 and ZXMC MOSFET 1/2 Bridge Drivers D2 12V R12 1N4004 D1 1N4148 (Optional) 3 3 V V+OP CC R6 R4 1k Q1-4 1k R5 4 4 H+ Ph2Hi ZXMC C1 100 3A17DN8 Hall H- R1 1F Ph1Lo C5 5 & 6 5 & 6 470 R2 W1 HBIAS Ph2Lo 7 & 8 7 & 8 2.2F 470 Ph1Hi R3 ThRef 2 2 ZXBM1021 100 PWMSPD SetThRef R11 R7 10k 33k SPD Sense 1 1 DC control R9 CSPD SetTh 12k S FG MIN R8 C2 470 C Gnd LCK 0.1F R10 Rsense 16k 0.1 C4 C3 0.1uF 0.47F FG 0V Typical Applications Circuit for DC Control using the ZXBM1021 and ZXMC MOSFET 1/2 Bridge Drivers Note: 4. FG pull-up resistor is not shown in the typical application circuit. Generally, the FG pull-up resistor is located at the system host end rather than the fan motor PCB. 2 of 25 ZXBM1021 April 2014 Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com Document number: DS36322 Rev. 2 - 2