The DIO20721ST5 with General Purpose Amplifiers SOT23-5 RoHS manufactured by Dioo is a dual complementary input and output that is utilized to amplify the signal. This part is a monolithic integrated circuit device fabricated using CMOS low-voltage technology. It features high-precision operation, high-speed switching, low distortion, and low noise. This part is designed to operate with a supply voltage between 2.5V and 5.5V. It offers features such as both rail-to-rail inputs and outputs, low power consumption, and low quiescent current (Iq). In addition, the part features high output drive capability, excellent linearity, and improved CMRR (common mode rejection ratio). It is available in a RoHS-compliant, dual-in-line package (DIP). The part is used in various applications such as operational amplifiers, precision instrumentation, power amplifiers, audio amplifiers, medical instrumentation, and consumer electronics.