The DEM 1024600H TMH-PW-N (C-TOUCH) is a Display Elektronik manufactured electronic part with a 7 inch TFT display with a resolution of 1024x600 and LED backlight illumination. It measures 164.8x99.8x26mm in size. It is designed for high-end applications and has proven reliable in both commercial and transportation applications. It offers high performance, an intuitive user experience, and an attractive design. Features include a wide range of interfaces, including LVDS, VGA, HDMI, DVI, and USB. It is also equipped with various other features such as a side-mounted brightness control knob and an abundant selection of customizability. The Display Elektronik DEM 1024600H TMH-PW-N (C-TOUCH) is suitable for a variety of applications, from industrial control interfaces to digital signage displays.