06.2012 GRAPHIC UNIT COMPLETE UNIT WITH 3 FONTS AND INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER 240x128: EA GE240-7KV24 240x128: EA GE240-6KV24 240x128: EA GE240-7KCV24 FEATURES * LCD GRAPHICS DISPLAYSWITH EA IC6963 HIGH-LEVEL GRAPHICS CONTROLLER * 240x128 PIXELS WITH CFL BEL. BLUE NEGATIVE, DIMENSIONS: 151 x 104 x 25 mm * 240x128 PIXELS WITH LED ILLUMINATION GN/YL, DIMENSIONS: 144 x 104 x 25 mm * 240x64 PIXELS WITH LED ILLUMINATION GN/YL, DIMENSIONS: 180 x 65 x 25 mm * 3 FONTS (ZOOM) FROM about 2mm VIA about 5mm UP TO about 50mm * SUPPLY V OLTAGE: +5V / 500..1000mA * RS-232 BAUD RATES 1200..115200 BD TO THE PIXEL WITH ALL FUNCTIONS * POSITIONING ACCURATE * PROGRAMMING BY MEANS OF COMMANDS SIMILAR TO HIGH-LEVEL LANGUAGE: * STRAIGHT LINE, POINT, AREA, AND/OR/EXOR, BAR GRAPH... * UP TO 21 FREELY DEFINABLE CHARACTERS * COMBINATIONS OF TEXT AND GRAPHICS * 6 CLIPBOARD FUNCTIONS, CURSOR FUNCTIONS ACCESSORIES * CABLE FOR CONNECTING TO 9-PIN SUB-D (FEMALE): EA KV24-9B * DIP SWITCH, E.G. FOR SETTING THE BAUD RATE: EA OPT-DIP6 ORDER DESIGNATION GRAPHICS UNIT 240x128 WITH CFL BEL., BLUE NEGATIVE EA GE240-7KCV24 GRAPHICS UNIT 240x128 WITH LED ILLUMINATION GN/YL EA GE240-7KV24 GRAPHICS UNIT 240x64 WITH LED ILLUMINATION GN/YL EA GE240-6KV24 ZEPPELINSTRASSE 19 D-82205 GILCHING PHONE +49-8105-778090 FAX +49-8105-778099 GRAPHIC UNIT GENERAL The graphics LCDs with EA IC6963 are completely assembled graphics units with a variety of integrated functions. The fact that they are small, have excellent supertwist contrast, and are simple to program means that it is possible to connect an informative and visually attractive display screen to almost any processor system in a matter of a few hours. They are accessed via a standard RS-232 interface. The display contains complete graphics routines for the display output, together with a wide range of font sizes. Graphics commands similar to high-level language are used for programming. There is no longer any need for the time-consuming programming of character sets and graphics routines. But it is not just during development that time and effort are dramatically reduced the following benefits are evident in series production as well: - There are no timing problems with the fast processor bus. - There are no memory problems (RAM and memory for the character set, above all in the case of C). - There are no time-consuming graphics calculations that slow down the processor. No drivers, decoders, or port components are needed. In the simplest case, the display is controlled by means of a single RxD line. HARDWARE The displays are designed to work with an operating voltage of +5V. Serial asynchronous data transfer is carried out in RS-232 format with real V.24 levels (10V), or via 5V CMOS levels. The transmission format is set permanently to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. Rates between 1200 baud and 115,200 baud can be selected by means of three solder straps. RTS and CTS handshake lines are available. No analysis is needed in the case of small quantities of data. Data format: There are also eight I/O ports on the J3 eyelet strip that can be used freely and individually, either =10mA), as inputs or outputs. They can, for instance, be employed to connect a transistor / relay (IL max or to read in keys / switches. SOFTWARE The graphics unit is programmed by means of commands, such as Draw a rectangle from (0,0) to (64,15). The origin is located at the top left-hand corner of the display. The following bytes have to be sent over the serial interface for this purpose: 52 00 00 40 0F. Character strings can be placed precisely to the pixel. Text and graphics can be combined at any time. Three different character sets can be used. Each one can be zoomed from 2 to 8 times. When the 8-times zoom is used with the largest character set (16x8), the words and numbers displayed will fill the screen (= 128x64). TEST MODE If solder strap 6 (pin RTS5) is closed (connected to GND) while power- on or reset, the display will be in test mode, and a rectangle with two diagonal lines will flash. If the solder strap is opened, then the display will return to normal mode. However, you will still be able to see the test picture. 2 ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Printing and typographical errors reserved.