X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 45-163 Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 45-163 Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools are a product manufactured by DMC. We provide cost-effective solutions for Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

45-163 DMC

45-163 electronic component of DMC
45-163 DMC
45-163 Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools
45-163  Tools & Supplies

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. 45-163
Manufacturer: DMC
Category: Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools
Description: Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools Coax Cable Stripper 1/8-7/32 inch
Datasheet: 45-163 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 102.267 ea
Line Total: USD 102.27 
Availability - 4
Ship by Wed. 05 Mar to Fri. 07 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 05 Mar to Fri. 07 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 102.267
5 : USD 93.753

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45-163 Alternative Parts

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Stock Image 45-163
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock: 13

We are delighted to provide the 45-163 from our Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 45-163 and other electronic components in the Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image 45-170
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools CUSTOM STRIPMASTER 10-14 AWG
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 45-2020
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools CUSTOM STRIPMASTER 16-26 AWG
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 45-120
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools Wire Stripper T-5
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 45-1987-1
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools Blade Pack for 45-1987
Stock : 2
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Stock Image 45-2500
Daniels Manufacturing Corporation DMC CUSTOM STRIPMASTER 10-14AWG
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 45-2114-1
Daniels Manufacturing Corporation DMC BLADE PACK 26-20 STRIPMASTER LITE
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 0N089564
Extraction, Removal & Insertion Tools INSTALLING TOOL (SEE 294-540)-GREEN
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 45-1609-1
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools BLADE PACK FOR 45-1609
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 4-1437
Circular MIL Spec Tools, Hardware & Accessories EMI TERM. BAND,COIL 1/4" (M85049/128-2)
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 45-2541-1
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools BLADE PACK FOR 45-2541 10-14 AWG
Stock : 0
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image UST-150
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools CAT/TP CABLE STRIPPING TOOL
Stock : 5
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Stock Image 1519010
Blade; Application: KNP.1511120
Stock : 6
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Stock Image 11014
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools Scissors Slim Blade Straight, 4-1/2in
Stock : 10
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Stock Image 63817-0470
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools REPLACEMENT STRIPPER BLADE
Stock : 11
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image XNB301
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools XNB-301 2STRAIGHT CARVING BLDS
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 40425
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools DisposableInspection Mirror 24mm Face
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 603997-4
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools CBL STRIP V BLOCK WHT
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Stock Image L-1953
Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools GRIPPER - MOVING - SINGLE PIECE
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 12 69 23
Regulator; KNP.1262180
Stock : 11
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Stock Image 17383
Cutters; for cutting iron, copper or aluminium sheet metal
Stock : 1
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GB HOW TO STRIP: Proper orientation of this stripper is important for best results. Name and Multi-Cable Adjustable Ringers logo have to be on top of the stripper and the blade edges have to point down. Blades depth can be adjusted for end or window type strip. Set shallow blade depth to cut through outer insulation. Set deep blade depth to cut to the conductor. Place the wire rst in the notch closest to the pivot. Cat. No Cable Range Replacement Blades Rotate the stripper six to eight rotations down and away from you. To cut between the parallel cuts 45-162 up to .125/3.2mm L-9225 place the wire in the front notch. Press the head until you hear the blade cutting through the insula- 45-163 .125-.250/3.2-6.4mm L-9225 tion. Peel the outer insulation. If you need an end strip, pull the slug off by hand. ADJUSTING THE BLADES: 45-164 .250-.563/6.4-14.3mm L-9226 Place the wire in the next to pivot notch up to the blade. Loosen the screw, adjust the blade to 45-165 .188-.313/4.8-7.9mm L-9225 desired depth, tighten the screw of the blade. Turn the stripper around to set the second blade from the other side. For better results you might have to do some tests for ne tuning of the blades. 45-168 .188-.313/4.8-7.9mm L-9225 NOTE: Most consistent results are obtained by setting a single unit for a given wire type. D ABISOUEREN: Die richtige Werkzeughaltung ist wichtig fr gute Abisolierergebnisse. Das Firmenzeichen sollte nach oben, die Kanten der Schneiden nach unten zeigen. Die Schnitt-Tiefe ist versteilbar, um das Abisolieren am Ende oder in der Mitte des Kabels zu ermglichen. Zum Durchschneiden der Kabelisolierung kleine Schnitt-Tiefe einstellen. Zum Schneiden bis zum Innen- leiter die Schnitt-Tiefe erhhen. Kabel zuerst in die Kerbe direkt neben dem Gelenk einlegen. Abiso- lierwerkzeug 6 bis 8mal nach unten und von sich weg drehen. Zum Schneiden zwischen parallelen Schnitten den Leiter in die vorderste Kerbe einlegen. Die Werkzeugspitze zusammendrcken, bis der Schnitt durch die isolation zu hren ist. uere Isolierung abschlen. Beim Abisolieren am Kabelende die Isolierung von Hand abziehen. EINSTELLEN DER SCHNEIDE: Leiter in die Kerbe direkt neben dem Gelenk einlegen und bis zur Schneide fhren. Schraube an der Schneide lsen, die gewnschte Schnitt-Tiefe einstellen und die Schraube wieder anziehen. Abisolierwerkzeug umdrehen und die zweite Schneide auf der anderen Seite einstellen. Mit einigen Versuchen zur Feineinstellung der Schneiden knnen bessere Abisolier-Resulate erzielt werden. HINWETS: Es ist am besten, ein Abisolierwerkzeug fr einen bestimmten Drahttyp fest einzustellen. F DNUDAGE: Pour obtenir de bons rsultats, il est important de bien tenir Ioutil. Le nom et la rfrence de Ioutil doivent tre visibles et Ie tranchant des lames doit tre orient vers Ie bas. La profondeur de coupe de la lame peut tre ajuste pour un dnudage dextrmit ou en fentre. Pour ne couper que lisolant, ajuster la lame pour une coupe peu profonde. Pour couper jusquau conducteur, ajuster la lame pour une coupe profonde. Placer Ie l dans Iencoche la plus proche du pivot de la pince. Faire faire loutil 6 8 rotations dans Ie sens des aiguilles dune montre. Pour sectionner Ie l entre les coupes parallles, placer Ie l dans Iencoche avant. Serrer la pince jusqu ce que la lame traverse Iisolant. Enlever lisolant. Pour un dnudage en extrmit, retirer la main les diffrentes couches disolant. RGLAGE DE LA LAME: Placer Ie l dans Iencoche la plus proche du pivot de la pince. linsrer jusqu la lame. Dvisser la vis de la lame; ajuster la pro- fondeur de la lame puis resserrer la vis. Retourner la pince pour ajusler la seconde lame. Pour des coupes prcises, plusieurs essais peuvent tre ncessaires pour ajuster les lames avec prcision. NOTE: Pour obtenir des rsultats uniformes, rgler la pince pour un seul type de I. I COME SPELLARE I CAVI: Per ottenere i risultati migliori importante sistemare corret- tamente il cavo nello spelacavi. II nome ed il logotipo stampati sullutensile devono essere rivolti verso Ialto e Ie lame verso il basso. Le profondit di taglio delle lame si devono regolare a seconda che si voglia una spellatura allestremit a nestra. Regolare la profondit di taglio della lama poco profonda per tagliare lisolante esterno. Regolare la lama per un taglio pi profondo per tagliare no al conduttore. Per prima cosa disporre il cavo nella tacca a V pi vicina al perno. Ruotare lo spelacavi verso il basso dalle sei alle otto volte. Per ottenere tagli paralleli, mettere il cavo nella tacca anteriore. Premere Ia testina no a tagliare iI rivestimento isolante. Togliere l isolante esterno. Per spelare Iestremit del cavo, rimuovere con te dita lo spezzone di rivestimento nale. REGOLAZIONE DELLE LAME: Mettere il cavo nella tacca pi vicina al perno. Spostare il cavo in modo che la sua estremit tocchi la lama. Allentare la vite e regolare la lama alla profondit di taglio desiderata, stringere la vite. Girare lo spelacavi per regolare la seconda lama. Procedere con tagli di prova per una perfetta messa a punto delle lame ed ottenere il miglior risultato. NOTA: consigliabile predisporre in questo modo uno spelacavi per ogni diverso tipo di cavo. assicurato il miglior risultato. E CMO PELAR: La orientacin correcta de este pelacables es importante para obtener mejores resultados. EI nombre y el logotipo deben estar en la parte superi-or del pelacables, y los los de la cuchilla deben estar orientados hacia abajo. La profundidad de las cuchillas puede ajustarse para pelar la punta o un segmento intermedio de un cable. Ajustar la cuchilla a la profun- didad de corte poco profunda para cortar el aislamiento externo. Ajustar la cuchilla a la profundidad de corte profunda para cortar hasta el hilo conductor. Poner el cable en la muesca ms cercana al pivote. Dar seis a ocho vueltas al pelacables, tirando hacia abajo y alejndolo. Para cortar entre los cortes paralelos, colocar el cable en la muesca frontal. Apretar hasta or el sonido del corte de la cuchilla a travs del aislamiento. Pelar el aislamiento externo. Si necesita pelar la punta, arranque el aislamiento con la mano. AJUSTE DE LA CUCHILLA: Poner el cable en la muesca ms prxima al pivote hasta la cuchilla. A ojar el tornillo, ajustar la cuchilla a la profundidad deseada, apretar el tomillo de la cuchilla. Dar media vuelta al pelacables para ajustar la segunda cuchilla desde el otro lado. Para obtener mejores resultados, puede ser necesario realizar algunas pruebas para el ajuste no de las cuchil- las. NOTA: Los resultados mas consistentes se obtienen ajustando un pelacables por cada tip de cable determinado. SW AVSKALNINGSTEKNIK: Fr bsta resultat r det viktigt att denna skalare har rtt riktning. Namn och logo mste vara ovanp skalaren och bladets kanter mste peka nedt. Bladdjupet kan justeras fr avskalning i nden av eller p en bit av ledningen. Stll in det grunda bladdjupet s att det skr genom den yttre isoleringen. Stll in det djupa bladdjupet s att det skr fram till ledaren. Placera ledningen i hacket nrmast verlktygets lagertapp. Rotera skalaren nedt och bort frn dig sex till tta gnger. Om du vill klippa melIan parallellklippen ska du placera ledningen i det frmre hacket. Tryck p huvudet tills du hr att bladet skr igenom isoleringen. Skala av den yttre isoleringen. Om du behver en avskalning p ledningsnden ska du dra av skydddsmaterialet fr hand. JUSTERING AV BLADET: Placera ledningen i hacket nrmast lagertappen. Flytta ledningen tills den nr bladet. Lossa skru- Optional Wire Stop Accessory ven, justera bladet till nskat djup, dra t bladskruven. Vnd p skalaren s att du kan stlla in det IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC (for 45-162, 45-163, 45-165, 45-168) www.idealindustries.com andra bladet frn andra sidan. Fr bttre resultat mste du kanske gra ngra njusteringestester LB-825 up to 2.5 / 63.5mm ND 7914-1 6/13 fr bladen. LB-840 2.5 to 5 / 63.5mm to 127mm OBS! Konsekventa resultat uppns genom att instllning av en enda enhet fr en given ledningstyp.X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Wire Stripping & Cutting Tools category: Click to view products by DMC manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 6-690504-4 684042-3 690468-2 690787-1 691901-2 692968-6 693855-1 809688-1 810412 813066-2 813070-1 819395-1 819396-1 819397-1 844765-5 852765-1 904223-1 1-240644-1 1-240644-7 1-240833-0 1-240642-7 1320906-1 1320908-3 133900-001 1338118-1 1- 356885-4 1424635-1 1424645-1 1424649-1 1424653-1 1424650-1 1-458031-5 1-458230-5 1-454204-0 1-458030-5 1-458230-1 1-462006- 1 1490498-1 1583609-2 MT10-250Q 1-690440-9 2-1579002-4 240645-3 240825-9 2-458031-1 2-539783-7 L-5211 2-690451-4 2-690495- 4 2-853714-0

Tariff Desc

8467.29.00 CUTTERS, cable or wire rope Op. 01.01.2002 Dec. 02.01.2002 - TC 0106889
8205.59 TC 9209037 STRIPPERS, coaxial wire and cable
8205.59 TC 9209038 TOOLS, cable and wire stripping, clam-shell type
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