MINIATURE ADJUSTABLE HAND DATASHEET CRIMP TOOL AFM-2 THIS HAND TOO L MU ST NOT BE USED IN ANY POWERED SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING PREss AS DEFINED BY OSHA CFR 1910.211 ( 46) LIMITED WARRANTY, AND LIMITATION Of LIABILITY. HOW TO USE DANIELS AFM 2 - BASIC HAND CRIMP TOOL AND DEDICATED POSITIONER GEN ERAL INF ORMATION 1. Designation AFM-2 refers to the basrc hand tool with posrtroner P /N K116B. , Wlrs crimp range 20 AWG to .32 AWG. 2. The too l has a double action ratchet. Note that the tool cannot be opened without completing the cycle. TOOL PREPARATION 1. The Too l must be in the open posiiion. 2. Remove safety clip from positioner guide. J. Select Positioner for contact to be crimped. 4. Insert Positioner into positioner guide SELECTOR KN OB and turn 90 degrees until bayonet pins lock in pk1ce. 5. Install s<1f11ty clip into the poeitioner guide (optronal). 6. Wire elzs and corresp<indrng selector number are shown on the dotaplate. 7. With tool strll In open position, rorse and rotate the selector knob until the number indicated on data plate for wire size to be crimped is in line with the Se l. No. arrow. ATAf LATE POS1110NER CRIMPING INSTRUCTIONS K SERIES, 1. Insert contact and prepared wire into the DESIGNED FOR USE indenter opening from side opposite the WITH AFM-2 TOOL ONLY. P osi ti on er. 2. Squeeze handles together until the ratchet releases. Handle wlll retum to the open GAGE GO NO -GO SEL posrtron. Remove crrmped contact and B PART NO. A DIA DIA NO wire. C125 .OJ90 .0440 8 REMOVING POSITIONER 1. Remove safety clrp and reverse procedure described In step four (4) above. CAUTION GAGING LIMITS DO NOT CRIMP GAGE A :1::.0001 :1::.0001 SELECTOR B NUMBER GO DIA NO-GO DIA 1 .0130 .0180 2 .0160 .0210 l 3 .0190 .0240 A 4 .02.20 .0270 G125 5 .0260 .0310 (M22520/3-1) 6 .0300 .OJSO 7 .0340 .0.390 B .0390 .0440 DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORP., 526 THORPE ROAD, ORLANDO, FL 32824, USA, PHONE 407 /855-6161, FAX 407 /855-6884 OOP l Rli:lHT C 2002 DANIELS MANUFACl JRING OORP., USA. WWW.DMC:TOCL.S.CCM E-MAIL DMCGDMCTOOLS.Cot.1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6/02 AFM-2-CS REV. B 1 OF 2 DATASHEET GAGING INSTRUCTIONS ND-G GAGING ca GAGING Op erate the tool to the fully closed position. Maintain firm hand pressure on the tool handles. Try to Insert Operate the tool to the fully closed position. Maintain theNO-G gage end oe shown. TheNO-C gage firm hand pressure on the tool handles. Insert theG may partially enter the indenter opening but must not , gaga end as shown. The gage muet poes freely pass completely through the opening. between the Indenter tips. GREEN RED INDENTER INDENlER CARE OF TOOL There is virtually no maintenance required. However, it is a good pr ac tice to keep indenter tips free of residual color band deposits and other debris. A small wire brush may be used for this purpose. We strongly recommend that you: 1. DO NOT immerse tools in cl eaning solution. 2. DO NOT spray oil into tool to lubricate. 3. DO NOT attempt to disassemble tool or ma ke repairs. This is a precision crimp tool and should be handled as such . DMC offers complete refurbishing and r<::calibration s<::rvict::s. DMC specially engineers and manufactures complete tool kits to satisfy individual customer requirements, such as tota l aircraft support, general sho p maintenance or production, on board ship and vehicle service, etc. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORPORATION IS NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEOUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE OR KIND RESULTING FRDM TI-IE USE, DR MISUSE, DF ANY OF ITS PRCDUClS. OWNERS AND USERS OF DI AC PRODUCTS ASSUME FUU. RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSffiUCTlNG , THEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE PROPER AND SAFE USE OF SUCH PRODUCTS LIMITED WARRANTY DMC (Dcmlala Monufactu rfng Corporation) warrants each new product :,old by it to be fn:c from dcfet::ts in material and wcrkmcmship under normal u ae and 111rvrce. DMC s 01>1rgat1011 under tMs warranty ra 1rm1tee1 to the me CDl Tecl:lon or, at DMC e option, the rerund of the purchaea price of any euch praduct whlch prow, defective ln normal eervlDe wlthln nlmJty (9D) da)II 1 1fler dol iwry ta t first u:s.,r. presided th at the pradu cl i,, ,.,wd tc OMC with al I transportation ch argflB prepaid and which shall <1ppaar to DMC 11 aotlsfactlon. after DMC a rnapactlon , to hove been defectlw In m<1tarlal or workmanship, il bc,in, i understood that DMC prodJ1ru1 arc, not c:DnSJmcr products. ThiP wcrranty sl all not OCM1r a, y damage to a11y pniduct wl lrel I. 11 1 tl l a opinion 01 DMC. woe caused by normal wea-, mleuee. Improper oparat1on, tanperfng, m1gl&ct C acc:ldtimt. Thie wammty 111 n lieu of all other warranties &xpre11B ar impli.,d. Na w11rrant>1, exp....,,,. 11r im pli.,d. is ma er 11uthcrized kl ma or aaeu med with reapect to pr oduct:a of Da, lela Manufacturing Corpor ation other than th ON haln eel forth. 2 OF 2