DANIE:LS IJIJtllt: MANUFACTURING M22520/37-01 (GMT232) -- W CORPORA 710N DATASHEET CRIMP TOOL THIS HAND TOOL MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY POWERED SEE PAGE 4 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING PRES AS DEFINED BY OSHA CFR 1910.211 (46) LIMITED WARRANTY, AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. SPECIFICATIONS 1. The GMT232 Crimp Tool is designed to terminate wire splices conforming to MIL-S-81824 of the following sizes: TOOL 12-16 16-20 20-26 CAVITY O.D . O.D . O.D ...Q..Q..Q.. CRIMP SPLICE .105 .155 .070 .107 .053 .080 SIZE .095 .146 .063 .100 .045 .075 2. A properly calibrated GMT232 Crimp Tool has the following characteristics: A. Ratchet adjustment (set at the factory): A compression force of 40 lb minimum applied 1.25.125 inches from the end of the handles shall be required to completely close jaws before the ratchet mechanism releases the handles. B. Jaw Closing: With the jaws fully closed, aG gage shall fit in the space between the indenter and its corresponding cavity. ANo-G gage shall not fit in this space. Gage sizes are as follows: TOOL Go No-Go CAVITY DIA. DIA. 12-16 .0620 .0720 16-20 .0420 .0520 20-26 .0250 .0350 The M22520/39-01 (Daniels G411) Go/No-Go gage is recommended for this purpose. DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORP., 526 THORPE ROAD, ORLANDO, FL 32824, USA, PHONE 407 /855-6161, FAX 407 /855-6884 COPYRIGHT 02011 DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORP., USA. WWW.DMCTOOLS.COM E-MAIL: DMCGOMCTOOLS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 05/11 REV. F GMT232-DS PAGE 1 DANIE:LS IJIJtllt: MANUFACTURING -- W CORPORA 710N DATASHEET GAGING INSTRUCTIONS G GAGINGNO-G GAGING Operate tool to fully closed position. InsertG Operate tool to fully closed position. InsertNO G gage end as shown. Gage must pass freely gage end as shown. TheNO G may partially enter between jaw halves. the opening, but must not pass completely through the opening. RED GREEN CRIMP JAWS CRIMP JAWS t.122520/39-01 (DMC G411) CAUTION DO NOT CRIMP GAGE 3. Ratchet is secured to prevent unauthorized adjustment. 4. This tool is not equipped with an early release mechanism. PAGE 2