IJlliS:OAN/El.S MANUFACTURING ADJUSTABLE HAND CORPORA 710/I/ DATASHEET CRIMP TOOL M320 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTAN T INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS HAND TOOL MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY POWERED LIMITED WARRANTY, AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. PREss AS DEFINED BY OSHA CFR 1910.211 ( 46) HOW TO USE THE DANIELS M320 TOOL IN OPEN POSITION HAND CRIMP TOOL & POSITIONER ALIGNMENT HOLE ..,. / .,,,,.,- GENERAL INFORMATION ...... / 1. The tool has <1 double action rntchet.,. TOOL IN CLOSED POSITION ..,. Note that the tool cannot be opened without comp I eting the cycle. 2. Designation M320 refers to the b<1sic: hand to ol without positioners. 3. Size: 9.75 x 2.5 x 1.25 Wei9ht: 15oz. SELECTOR KNOB SETTING UP INSTRUCTIONS 1. Tool must be in the open position. 2. Pl<1ce selected Single Position He<1d assembly onto retainer ring with alignment pin in alignment hole. SINGLE POSITION HEAD 3. After Single Position Head is seated against reta iner ring, ti ghten socket head scr-ews with 9/64 inch hex key. 4. Refer to d<1taplate on Single Position Head. From the proper wi re si ze column, determine the selector number ATAPLAIT that corresponds with the contact being used. 5. Remove Spring Clip from selector knob. Raise selector- knob and r-otate until GAGE A GO NO-GO SEL B selector- number is in line with index PART NO. DIA DIA NO m<1rk. Replace Spring Clip (optional). G795 .10BO .1130 6 CRIMPING INS1RUC1l0NS 1. Insert contact and prepared wi re throug h the indenter opening in to CAUTION Positioner. DO NOT CRIMP GAGE 2. Squeeze h<1ndles together until ratchet rel eases. Handle will r-eturn to the open position. Remove er-imped Only one gage is necessary for periodic inspection. contact and wire. REMOVING SINGLE POSITION HEAD l 1. Loosen socket head screws until threads are di sen gaged from retainer AY- ring, then remove with a straight G795 lifting motion. DANIELS MANU FACl J RI NG CORP.. 526 11-1 ORPE ROAD, ORLAN DD. FL 32824, USA. PHONE 407 /855-61 61, FAX 407 /855-6884 COPYRIGHT C 1995 DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORP., USA. WWW.DMCTOOI..S.COM E MAIL: DMOCIOMCTOOLS.COM ALL RIGHlS RESERVED - REV. A 1 OF 2 M.320-DS 7/95 1111 ... 0AN/El.S MANUFACTIJRING - CORPORATION DATASHEET GAGING INS1RUCTIONS No-Go GAGING G GAGING Operate tool to ful ly clo11ed p=ition, Maintain firm hand pressure on the tool handles. Insert No-Go Operate tool to fully closed position. Maintain firm gage end CB shown. The No-co gage may partial ly hand prc11sure on the tool hondlc. ln11 ertoo gage enter th e indenter opening, bu t must not pass end as shown. Gage must pass freely between compl ete ly through the opening. Indenter trps. GAGING LIMITS A .0001 8 .OOD1 SELECTOR NUMBER 00 DIA NO-GO DIA RED GREEN 1 .05.30 .05BO 2 .06.30 ,0680 3 .0730 .07BO 4 .OB70 .0920 INDENl ER INDENlER 5 .0980 .1030 6 .1 DaO .11JO 7 .1240 .1290 a .1500 .1550 CARE OF TOOL There is virtually no maintenance required. However. it is a good practice to keep indenter tips free of residual color bond deposits and other debris. A small wire brush may be used for this purpose. We strongly recommend that you: 1. DO NOT immerse tools in cleaning so lution. 2. DO NOT spray oil into tool to lubricate. 3. DO NOT attempt to disassemble tool or mak e repairs. This is a precision hand crimp tool and should be used as such. DMC offers complete refurbishing and recalibration services. DMC specially engineers and manufactures complete tool kits to satisfy individual customer requirements, such as total aircraft support, general shop maintenance or production, on board ship and vehicle service, etc. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DANIELS MANUFAClURING CORPORATION 15 NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE OR KIND RESULTING , FROM Tl1E USE, OR MISUSE, Of ANY Of 11 5 PRODUCTS OWNERS AND USERS OF DMC PROOUCTS ASSUME FUU. RESPONSIBILITY CJR INS1RUC11NG lHEIR EMPLOYEES IN THE PROPER AND SAFE USE OF SUCH PRODUCTS.. LIMl1ED WARRANTY DMC (Danlels Manufai:b.lrfng Corporallon) worrcn t:8 ellCh new pr11ducl acid by it to be f fQl Tl defl:ct:., in matcrid and workmcnehip under n al u,.., and ,..,,v c.,. DMs abligalicn un r this warTcnty is limit..cl ta t f correctlon or, at OMc 1 optron. tile rerun d of 11111 purcl oase prrce of any auctl product which prOV8a defective 1n normal se1ce within ninety (90) daya after delivery to the first Ulll I , provfded that the product le returned to DMC with all tranapartatlan ch 11rges prep ald and which ehall appear to DMC a satisfaction, ofter DMC :., inapection, to hove bc,m detivc, in motcriol or workmoneh ip, it ing und.,rslcad that DM C praducts n ct ccnsur prcducts. This warTcnty shall net cc ll r any dcma ta any prcduct which. in u,., cpinicn af DMC W<ll cauaed by normal wear mtause, lmprap operation, tanper1ng , neglect ar accident. Th1B warranty le In 11au of 1111 other warranties eicpreae or lmplled, No warranty, express or lmplled, Is made or authorized to be made or a88umed with r11apect tr:> produc:t11 of Danl8111 I Aonufacturlng Corporotlon other Ii an the herein 11et forth . 2 OF 2