SCT SERIES PRE-SET TENSION SAFE-T-CABLE APPLICATION TOOL DATASHEET SEEPAGE10FORIMPORTANTINFORMATIONCONCERNINGLIMITED WARRANTY,ANDLIMITATIONOFLIABILITY INTRODUCTION The Daniels SCT Series Safe-T-Cable application tool is designed to terminate ferrules to Safe-T-Cable in accordancewithSAEspecificationAS4536*.TheapplicationtooliscompatiblewithSafe-T-Cable kitsidentified in SAE specifications AS3509*, AS3510* and AS3511*. The following steps are important to assure proper Safe-T-Cable applications: 1. Proper Tool Calibration (Section 1.0) 2. Proper Cable Installation (Section 2.0) 3. Proper Loading and use of the application tool (Section 3.0) 4. Verification of Proper application (Section 4.0) * SAE publications are available from: SAE, International 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 1.0 TOOLCALIBRATIONANDMAINTENANCE 1.1 CheckingIndenterCalibrationwiththeDanielsSCT-TB1TestFixture 1.1.1. Indentercalibrationshouldbecheckedperiodicallyandmustbecheckedafterthenoseassemblyhas beenremovedorinterchanged. 1.1.2. Thread the cable into the left swivel and through the right swivel, holding the lever in the home positionasshowninFigure1.Iftheleverisnotkeptinthehomepositiontheresultsmaybeadversely affected. Terminate the cable per section 3.0, making sure to close the handles completely. 1.1.3. Applyapproximately2Lbforcetothecablewithyourfinger(orusetheDanielsSCTD013Retention Tester)atthelinemarkeTESTARE.Ifthecabletoucheseitherthesideorbottomsurfaceofthe testarea,removethecablefromthetestblockandterminateanothercableasdescribedabove,hold- ing the tool perpendicular to the cable. MOUNTINGHOLES FIGURE 1 LEFTSWIVEL LEVER RIGHTSWIVEL 1.1.4. Placeacalibrated3/8 drivetorquewrench(DanielsSCTD0001)intothesquaredrivehole,orienting thetestblockandtorquewrenchonaflatsurfaceasshowninFigure2.Applytheproperpull-offload asshowninTable2.Releasetorquewhenminimumpull-offloadisachieved.Donotapplyadditional DANIELSMANUFACTURINGCORP. 526THORPEROAD,ORLANDO,FL32824,USA PHONE (407) 855-6161 FAX (407) 855-6884 WWW.DMCTOOLS.COM E-MAIL: DMC DMCTOOLS.COM COPYRIGHT2001 ALLRIGHTSRESERVED REV.F 06/01 FILE :DS0024 DOC. :SCT-DS 1FIGURE2 TORQUE WRENCH (lb. in) MOUNTINGHOLE MOUNTINGHOLE LEFTSWIVEL RIGHTSWIVEL LEVER tension to the cable. 1.1.5. If the cable did not break or pull out of the ferrule after applying proper torque, remove the torque wrenchandapplyapproximately2Lbforcetothecablewithyourfinger(orDanielsSCTD013)atthe line markedTEST AREA 1.1.6. If the cable breaks or pulls out of the ferrule, then the crimp is unacceptable and the tool indenter should be adjusted per section 1.2. If the cable touches either the side or bottom surface of the test area, then the crimp is unacceptable and the tool indenter should be adjusted per section 1.2. 1.2 INDENTERADJUSTMENT FIGURE3 NOSEASSEMBLY CRIMP CAVITY (REQUIRESCLEANING ANDLUBRICATION-SEE SECTION 1.3) NOSEADAPTOR 8-32 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 1.2.1. Remove the nose assembly by removing the two 8-32 socket head cap screws as shown in Figure 3. 1.2.2. Unlock the jamnut using the SCT32084 tool, and adjust the pushrod adjustment screw using a 1/4 straight edge screwdriver (see figure 4). Turn the pushrod adjustment screw clockwise to loosen the crimp(enlargegagingdimensions).Turntheadjustmentscrewcounterclockwisetotightenthecrimp (reducegagingdimensions).AftereachadjustmentsecurelytightenthejamscrewusingtheSCT32084 tool (while holding the adjustment screw stationary with the screwdriver) prior to the installation of the nose assembly. 1.2.3. Replace the nose assembly and the two 8-32 socket head cap screws. Prevent binding by alternately turning each screw a small amount until tight. DANIELS MANUFACTURING CORP. 526 THORPE ROAD, ORLANDO, FL 32824, USA PHONE (407) 855-6161 FAX (407) 855-6884 WWW.DMCTOOLS.COM E-MAIL: DMC DMCTOOLS.COM COPYRIGHT2001 ALLRIGHTSRESERVED REV.F 06/01 FILE :DS0024 DOC. :SCT-DS 2