The E2v M38510/10107BGA is a high-performance chip designed for applications requiring high levels of integration, speed and complexity. This electronic device is a 128-pin, low-power, low-voltage field programmable gate array (FPGA). It is developed for applications such as communications networks, embedded system controllers, industrial process controllers, image processing and medical imaging applications. This device features integrated memory, DSP and parallel interfaces on-chip. It also has memories of up to 75Mbits and 9K logical elements on-chip. It has a wide voltage range (1.2V-3.3V) and is compatible with various design tools such as Synplicity Synthesis, Core Generator, and ISE WebPACK. The maximum clock frequency of the chip is 200 MHz, and its power consumption is as low as 300 mW. The M38510/10107BGA also has I/O buffers to enhance signal integrity.