The 1A4005-06 is a single pole circuit breaker manufactured by Eaton. It is designed to be used in residential or light commercial applications, such as protecting against overcurrents and short circuit protection. Its molded case circuit breaker is rated at 10 Amps, and can be used in a variety of applications such as service panels, tenant metering, or 120-240 Volt applications. The product is UL listed, CSA Certified, and certified to CSA C22.2 standards. The breaker has an Interrupting Rating of 10 kiloamperes at 120/240 Volts AC and 25 kiloamperes at 48 Volts DC. It has a single pole, no neutral design, and features a thermal-magnetic trip unit with a self-testing feature. The breaker is also equipped with a built-in non-interchangeable trip, to add safety and reliability.