83501 is a 5-digit ZIP Code located in Payette County, Idaho. It is mostly rural and encompasses the town of Fruitland, as well as the smaller unincorporated communities of Alpha and Orchard. The county seat is Payette.
This ZIP Code has a population of over 6,000 and an area over 100 square miles. Most people in this area are White (over 80%) followed by a sizable Hispanic community and other minorities including Native Americans. The median household income here is around $40,000 and the cost of living is lower than the national average.
The primary industries here are agriculture, manufacturing, and retail, with many small businesses operating in the local area. Outdoor recreation is popular in the area with nearby hunting, fishing, and camping sites in the surrounding area. There are also several recreational parks, golf courses, and water parks in the region.
Despite its rural nature, 83501 is accessible by major highways and has public transportation options. The closest two airports are the Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field and the Salt Lake City International Airport.
Overall, 83501 is a pleasant and peaceful community with a small-town feel, where people can enjoy a middle-class lifestyle.