X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of CTX02-16030 Pulse Transformers across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. CTX02-16030 Pulse Transformers are a product manufactured by Eaton. We provide cost-effective solutions for Pulse Transformers, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

CTX02-16030 Eaton

CTX02-16030 electronic component of Eaton
CTX02-16030 Eaton
CTX02-16030 Pulse Transformers
CTX02-16030  Power

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. CTX02-16030
Manufacturer: Eaton
Category: Pulse Transformers
Description: Pulse Transformers PUSH PULL 560UH 5V:1
Datasheet: CTX02-16030 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 13.5324 ea
Line Total: USD 13.53 
Availability - 369
Ship by Thu. 03 Apr to Mon. 07 Apr
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 03 Apr to Mon. 07 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 13.5324
10 : USD 9.5056
25 : USD 8.8011
600 : USD 8.8011
1200 : USD 8.1196

Product Category
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Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the CTX02-16030 from our Pulse Transformers category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the CTX02-16030 and other electronic components in the Pulse Transformers category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image 102205
102205 eaton
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 10250TC2N
Lens - Round - 30.5 mm - Heavy-Duty Watertight/Oiltight - Green - Plastic.
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 111687
Enclosure: multipurpose; X:400mm; Y:600mm; Z:300mm; CS; steel; grey
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 111692
Enclosure: multipurpose; X:400mm; Y:600mm; Z:150mm; CS; steel; grey
Stock : 2
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 111683
Enclosure: multipurpose; X:400mm; Y:400mm; Z:150mm; CS; steel; grey
Stock : 4
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Stock Image 111686
Enclosure: multipurpose; X:400mm; Y:600mm; Z:250mm; CS; steel; grey
Stock : 2
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 100K07CR
Bussmann Eaton Specialty Fuses INDRL100A CANADIAN
Stock : 14
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Stock Image 10250T21LB
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 10H07C
Specialty Fuses 10A CANADIAN FUSE
Stock : 1
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Stock Image 111646
Enclosure: multipurpose; X:200mm; Y:250mm; Z:150mm; CS; steel; grey
Stock : 2
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image 786028C
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Stock Image 1026C
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Stock : 0
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image P0584
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Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image IT243
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Stock Image IT213
Pulse Transformers 0.25A 6.5mH 1:1:1 DL PULSE TRANSFORMERS
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Stock Image GDE25-5
Pulse Transformers GATE DRIVE 1:1.5 XFMR 0.680uH
Stock : 3
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Stock Image PH9385.011NLT
Pulse Transformers 3.2mH 4kV Iso 1:1 109Vus
Stock : 614
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ECONO-PAC/OCTA-PAC OCTA-PAC PLUS Power Inductors and Transformers Description RoHS 2002/95/EC Surface mount magnetics that can be used as single or coupled inductors or 1:1 transformers that provide isolation between two windings OCTA-PACs are designed around high frequency, low loss core material ECONO-PACs are a lower cost version of OCTA-PACs offering high saturation flux density, Powder Iron core material OCTA-PAC PLUSs offer higher current ratings and higher saturation flux densities than OCTA-PAC and ECONO-PAC, Amorphous metal core material Secure 4 Terminal Mounting Inductor more versatile inductance combination by series or parallel connections Applications Packaging Computer and portable power devices Supplied in tape and reel packaging, 1100 (EP01, OPA1, and LCD panels, DVD players OP01), 800 (EP02, OP02, OPA2, EP03, OPA3, and OP03), Inductor: DC-DC converters and 600 (EP04, OPA4, and OP04) per reel Buck, boost, forward, and resonant converters Legend Noise filtering and filter chokes Marking Transformers: 1:1 300Vdc isolation, flyback, sepic CTX___-__ (First three digits CTX; Second 2-3 digits = Environmental Data Inductance Value; Last 1-2 digits, product size & type) Storage temperature range: -40C to +125C Product Size/Type Operating ambient temperature range: -40C to +85C (range CTX___-1 (-1 = size; no suffix = OCTA-PAC ) is application specific). CTX___-1P (-1 = size; P suffix = ECONO-PAC) Solder reflow temperature: +260C max. for 10 seconds max. CTX___-1A (-1 = size; A suffix = OCTA-PAC PLUS) PARALLEL SERIES OOppeenn CCiirrccuuiitt FFuullll LLooaadd FFuullll LLooaadd DDCC OOppeenn CCiirrccuuiitt FFuullll LLooaadd FFuullll LLooaadd DDCC PPaarrtt IInndduuccttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee CCuurrrreenntt RReessiissttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee CCuurrrreenntt RReessiissttaannccee NNuummbbeerr HH ++//--2200%% HH mmiinn.. AAddcc oohhmmss mmaaxx.. HH ++//--2200%% HH mmiinn.. AAddcc oohhmmss mmaaxx.. CTX0.47-1P-R .42 .31 5.50 .005 1.67 1.25 2.75 .021 CTX0.68-1P-R .60 .43 5.10 .006 2.40 1.74 2.55 .025 CTX1-1P-R 1.07 .73 4.50 .008 4.28 2.92 2.25 .032 CTX2-1P-R 2.02 1.36 3.40 .013 8.08 5.44 1.70 .054 CTX5-1P-R 4.83 3.37 2.00 .040 19.31 13.47 1.00 .161 CTX8-1P-R 8.08 5.31 1.80 .052 32.33 21.23 .90 .207 CTX10-1P-R 9.62 6.23 1.70 .057 38.48 24.94 .85 .227 CTX15-1P-R 15.03 9.62 1.40 .087 60.12 38.47 .70 .348 CTX20-1P-R 20.46 14.12 1.00 .158 81.83 56.47 .50 .634 CTX25-1P-R 25.40 17.07 .96 .177 101.60 68.29 .48 .708 CTX33-1P-R 32.33 22.27 .80 .250 129.32 89.06 .40 1.001 CTX50-1P-R 50.52 33.57 .70 .316 202.07 134.27 .35 1.263 CTX68-1P-R 68.40 43.65 .66 .373 273.61 174.61 .33 1.490 CTX100-1P-R 99.01 63.64 .54 .557 396.06 254.55 .27 2.227 CTX150-1P-R 150.72 96.64 .44 .844 602.87 386.56 .22 3.376 CTX200-1P-R 198.41 130.79 .36 1.208 793.65 523.16 .18 4.831 CTX300-1P-R 299.87 190.05 .32 1.525 1199.46 760.19 .16 6.100 CTX0.47-2P-R .54 .42 5.90 .006 2.18 1.69 2.95 .024 CTX0.68-2P-R .85 .64 5.40 .007 3.40 2.55 2.70 .029 CTX1-2P-R 1.22 .89 5.00 .008 4.90 3.57 2.50 .033 CTX2-2P-R 2.18 1.56 3.90 .014 8.70 6.26 1.95 .055 CTX5-2P-R 4.90 3.57 2.50 .032 19.58 14.26 1.25 .128 CTX8-2P-R 7.65 5.31 2.30 .040 30.60 21.23 1.15 .158 CTX10-2P-R 9.83 6.73 2.10 .045 39.30 26.92 1.05 .179 CTX15-2P-R 14.99 10.51 1.60 .085 59.98 42.02 .80 .339 CTX20-2P-R 19.58 13.37 1.50 .097 78.34 53.48 .75 .387 CTX25-2P-R 24.79 16.60 1.40 .109 99.14 66.38 .70 .436 CTX33-2P-R 32.67 21.29 1.30 .126 130.70 85.17 .65 .503 CTX50-2P-R 49.10 35.31 .82 .305 196.38 141.24 .41 1.221 CTX68-2P-R 68.85 47.93 .76 .362 275.40 191.71 .38 1.445 CTX100-2P-R 99.14 69.56 .62 .541 396.58 278.22 .31 2.162 CTX150-2P-R 148.10 100.07 .56 .665 592.42 400.27 .28 2.660 CTX200-2P-R 201.59 138.49 .46 .951 806.34 553.97 .23 3.804 CTX300-2P-R 300.42 197.52 .42 1.176 1201.70 790.08 .21 4.703 ECONO-PAC/OCTA-PAC OCTA-PAC PLUS Power Inductors and Transformers PARALLEL SERIES OOppeenn CCiirrccuuiitt FFuullll LLooaadd FFuullll LLooaadd DDCC OOppeenn CCiirrccuuiitt FFuullll LLooaadd FFuullll LLooaadd DDCC PPaarrtt IInndduuccttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee CCuurrrreenntt RReessiissttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee IInndduuccttaannccee CCuurrrreenntt RReessiissttaannccee NNuummbbeerr HH ++//--2200%% HH mmiinn.. AAddcc oohhmmss mmaaxx.. HH ++//--2200%% HH mmiinn.. AAddcc oohhmmss mmaaxx.. CTX0.47-3P-R .46 .35 6.20 .006 1.85 1.42 3.10 .025 CTX0.68-3P-R .67 .50 5.70 .007 2.66 1.98 2.85 .028 CTX1-3P-R .91 .65 5.40 .008 3.63 2.62 2.70 .032 CTX2-3P-R 1.85 1.24 4.60 .011 7.40 4.97 2.30 .045 CTX5-3P-R 4.74 3.04 3.20 .022 18.94 12.15 1.60 .090 CTX8-3P-R 8.16 4.90 2.80 .030 32.63 19.60 1.40 .119 CTX10-3P-R 9.79 5.71 2.70 .033 39.15 22.85 1.35 .131 CTX15-3P-R 14.50 8.50 2.20 .050 58.02 34.01 1.10 .198 CTX20-3P-R 20.15 13.12 1.50 .111 80.59 52.48 .75 .443 CTX25-3P-R 25.33 16.16 1.40 .125 101.31 64.66 .70 .499 CTX33-3P-R 32.63 20.32 1.30 .146 130.54 81.30 .65 .571 CTX50-3P-R 50.02 33.06 .92 .277 200.10 132.24 .46 1.108 CTX68-3P-R 68.84 44.15 .84 .328 275.35 176.61 .42 1.312 CTX100-3P-R 101.31 65.50 .68 .501 405.22 262.02 .34 2.005 CTX150-3P-R 149.85 90.92 .64 .621 599.40 363.68 .32 2.483 CTX200-3P-R 200.10 116.51 .60 .731 800.38 466.03 .30 2.925 CTX300-3P-R 298.39 172.12 .50 .926 1193.55 688.50 .25 3.702 CTX0.47-4P-R .49 .37 7.90 .005 1.95 1.49 3.95 .019 CTX0.68-4P-R .76 .56 7.20 .006 3.05 2.24 3.60 .023 CTX1-4P-R 1.10 .81 5.90 .008 4.39 3.24 2.95 .033 CTX2-4P-R 1.95 1.42 4.60 .014 7.81 5.69 2.30 .055 CTX5-4P-R 5.15 3.56 3.30 .027 20.62 14.23 1.65 .107 CTX8-4P-R 7.81 5.15 3.00 .033 31.23 20.61 1.50 .131 CTX10-4P-R 9.88 6.70 2.50 .047 39.53 26.79 1.25 .187 CTX15-4P-R 14.76 9.52 2.30 .057 59.05 38.09 1.15 .228 CTX20-4P-R 20.62 13.44 1.90 .084 82.47 53.76 .95 .337 CTX25-4P-R 25.65 17.17 1.60 .115 102.60 68.68 .80 .461 CTX33-4P-R 33.21 22.93 1.30 .166 132.86 91.72 .65 .662 CTX50-4P-R 48.80 32.21 1.20 .201 195.20 128.83 .60 .805 CTX68-4P-R 67.37 43.04 1.10 .238 269.50 172.16 .55 .952 CTX100-4P-R 99.09 69.54 .72 .565 396.38 278.15 .36 2.259 CTX150-4P-R 149.45 101.46 .64 .696 597.80 405.83 .32 2.784 CTX200-4P-R 200.11 131.37 .60 .810 800.44 525.47 .30 3.240 CTX300-4P-R 298.93 188.03 .54 1.003 1195.72 752.13 .27 4.011 CTX0.47-1-R .40 .26 5.50 .005 1.60 1.05 2.75 .020 CTX0.68-1-R .63 .41 4.50 .006 2.50 1.63 2.25 .024 CTX1-1-R .90 .56 4.20 .007 3.60 2.24 2.10 .028 CTX2-1-R 2.03 1.00 4.10 .010 8.10 4.01 2.05 .040 CTX5-1-R 4.90 2.66 2.30 .030 19.60 10.64 1.15 .122 CTX8-1-R 8.10 4.08 2.00 .039 32.40 16.34 1.00 .157 CTX10-1-R 10.00 4.85 1.90 .044 40.00 19.40 .95 .176 CTX15-1-R 14.40 8.74 1.10 .080 57.60 34.96 .55 .319 CTX20-1-R 19.60 11.54 1.00 .146 78.40 46.15 .50 .583 CTX25-1-R 25.60 16.35 .74 .167 102.40 65.42 .37 .668 CTX33-1-R 32.40 19.84 .72 .293 129.60 79.37 .36 1.171 CTX50-1-R 50.63 29.34 .64 .365 202.50 117.38 .32 1.461 CTX68-1-R 67.60 39.73 .54 .516 270.40 158.92 .27 2.064 CTX100-1-R 99.23 58.72 .44 .784 396.90 234.88 .22 3.137 CTX150-1-R 148.23 85.16 .38 .965 592.90 340.64 .19 3.861 CTX200-1-R 202.50 107.60 .37 1.142 810.00 430.39 .19 4.567 CTX300-1-R 302.50 191.38 .22 1.431 1210.00 765.54 .11 5.724 CTX0.47-2-R .42 .29 6.50 .005 1.69 1.17 3.25 .019 CTX0.68-2-R .75 .50 5.50 .006 3.01 1.98 2.75 .024 CTX1-2-R 1.18 .76 4.60 .007 4.70 3.04 2.30 .028 CTX2-2-R 2.30 1.27 4.50 .010 9.21 5.07 2.25 .038 CTX5-2-R 4.70 2.66 3.00 .021 18.80 10.65 1.50 .084 CTX8-2-R 7.94 4.18 2.60 .027 31.77 16.72 1.30 .108 CTX10-2-R 10.58 5.18 2.50 .031 42.30 20.72 1.25 .125 CTX15-2-R 15.23 8.53 1.70 .059 60.91 34.10 .85 .236 CTX20-2-R 20.73 12.36 1.30 .107 82.91 49.46 .65 .426 CTX25-2-R 24.86 16.09 1.00 .117 99.45 64.35 .50 .466 CTX33-2-R 31.77 15.90 1.40 .105 127.09 63.59 .70 .420 CTX50-2-R 51.18 28.79 .92 .210 204.73 115.16 .46 .839 CTX68-2-R 67.87 38.71 .78 .303 271.47 154.83 .39 1.214 CTX100-2-R 99.45 57.45 .63 .457 397.81 229.79 .32 1.828

Tariff Desc

8504.31.00 TRANSFORMERS, RF pulse, dual in-line packaging (DIP), Op. 05.10.1992 Dec. 08.01.1993 - TC 9209172
Bussmann Eaton
Coiltronics Eaton
Coiltronics / Cooper Bussmann
Coiltronics / Eaton
Cooper Bussmann
Cooper Industries
Cooper Interconnect
Cutler-Hammer / Eaton
Cutler-Hammer / Eaton
Eaton - Electronics Division
Eaton Bussmann
Eaton Electro
Eaton Electronics
Garry Elec/WPI
Magnum / Cooper
Moeller / Eaton
PowerStor Eaton
PowerStor / Cooper Bussmann
PowerStor / Eaton
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