IN 2...9 IN 2...9 6521 Low Current, 10-channel 6522 Scanner Cards for 6517B 10 channels of multiplex switching Install directly in 6517bs option slot Choose from low current scanning or high impedance voltage switching with low Two optional 10-channel plug-in scanner cards are available to extend the measurement performance current switching of the Model 6517B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter . The cards install directly into the option slot <200V contact potential in the back panel of the Model 6517B . The cards are also compatible with the Models 6517A and 6517 . <1pa offset current The Model 6521 Low Current Scanner Card is a 10-channel multiplexer, designed for switching low currents in multipoint testing applications or when the test configuration must be changed . Offset Compatible with Keithleys 15 current on each channel is <1pA and high isolation is maintained between each channel (>10 W ) . Model 6517 and 6517a The Model 6521 maint ains the current path even when the channel is deselected, making it a true Electrometers current switch . BNC input conn ectors help provide shielding for sensitive measurements and make the card compatible with low noise co axial cables . The Model 6521 is well suited for automating reverse leakage tests on semiconductor junc tions or gate leakage tests on FETs . The Model 6522 Voltage/Low Current Scanner Card can provide up to ten channels of low-level current, high impedance voltage, high resistance, or charge switching . Although it is similar to the Model 6521 in many ways, the Model 6522s input connectors are 3-lug triax . The card can be soft- ware configured for high im pe dance voltage switching of up to 200V . Triaxial connectors make it possible to float the card 500V above ground and drive guard to 200V . Mo DEl 6521 sPECIf ICaTIoNs MoDEl 6522 sPECIf ICaTIo Ns ordering Information CHANNELS PER CARD: 10 . CHANNELS PER CARD: 10 . FUNCTIONS: Amps . FUNCTIONS: Volts, Amps . 6521 l ow Current, CONTACT CONFIGURATION: Single pole, break-before- CONTACT CONFIGURATION: Single pole, break-before- 10-channel make for signal HI input . Signal LO is common for all 10 make for signal HI input . Signal LO is common for all 10 scanner Card channels and output . When a channel is off, sign al HI is channels and output . When a channel is off, signal HI is connected to signal LO . connected to signal LO . 6517B can also configure chan- 6522 l ow Current, High nels as voltage switches . CONNECTOR TyPE: Inputs BNC, Outputs Triaxial . Impedance Voltage, CONNECTOR TyPE: Inputs: Triaxial . Outputs: Triaxial . SIGNAL LEVEL: 30V, 500mA, 10VA (resistive load) . High r esistance, 6 SIGNAL LEVEL: 200V, 500mA, 10VA (resistive load) . CONTACT LIFE: >10 closures at maximum signal level 10-channel 7 6 >10 closures at low signal levels . CONTACT LIFE: >10 closures at maximum signal level scanner Card 7 >10 closures at low signal levels . CONTACT RESISTANCE: <1W . CONTACT RESISTANCE: <1W . CONTACT POTENTIAL: <200V . CONTACT POTENTIAL: <200V . OFFSET CURRENT: <1pA (<30fA typical at 23C, <60% RH) . OFFSET CURRENT: <1pA (<30fA typical at 23C, <60% RH) . 13 ACTUATION TIME: 2ms . CHANNEL ISOLATION: >10 W , <0 . 3pF . 10 COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: <30V peak . INPUT ISOLATION: >10 W , <125pF (Input HI to Input LO) . ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 0 to 50C up to 35C at 70% ACTUATION TIME: 2ms . R . H . Storage: 25 to 65C . COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: <300V peak . ENVIRONMENT: Operating: 0 to 50C up to 35C at 70% R . H . Storage: 25 to 65C . sEr VICEs aVaIl abl E H H H H 6521-3Y-EW 1-year factory warranty extended to 3 years IN 1 L IN 1 L from date of shipment OUT L OUT L G 6522-3Y-EW 1-year factory warranty extended to 3 years from date of shipment G G H H IN 10 IN 10 L L G 1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only) A Greater Measure of Confidence Convenient plug-in scanner cards for the Model 6517B/6517A LOW LEVEL MEASURE & SOURCE Convenient plug-in scanner cards for the Model 6517B/6517A