ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PC Series PV Series Case size & Permissible rated ripple current: (mA rms) at 105 / 120Hz Downsize and high ripple current Load life 2,000 ~ 5,000 hours at 105 Vdc 200 400 420 450 uF D L RC D L RC D L RC D L RC 56 1630 390 SPECIFICATIONS 68 1630 400 1630 430 1635 450 Item Performance Characteristics 1640 510 82 1635 490 Category Temperature Range -25 ~ +105 18 30 510 Working Voltage Range 200 ~ 450Vdc 16 40 520 100 1635 500 1835 600 Capacitance Range 6.8 ~ 470 F 1830 520 Capacitance Tolerance 20% (at 25 and 120Hz) 1640 570 1832 570 120 18 40 700 1830 570 1835 620 Dissipation Factor Rated Voltage (V) 200 250 350 400 420 450 1650 700 (tan) 150 1840 790 1845 810 tan(Max) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 18 35 700 (at 25 , 120Hz) 180 18 45 880 The above values should be increased by 0.02 for every additional 1000F 220 1851 1000 I=0.02CV or 3000 A whichever is smaller 270 1635 810 Leakage Current I : Leakage current (A) C : Rated capacitance (F) V : Rated voltage (V) Impress the rated voltage for 2 minutes. 1640 930 330 The following requirements shall be satisfied when the capacitor are restored to 25 after the rated voltage 1835 930 applied for 2,000 to 5,000 hours at 105 . 16 45 1050 390 18 35 1050 Endurance Capacitance change 20% of the initial value Size Life time (hours) 470 1840 1180 Dissipation factor(tan) 200% of the specified value D12.5 2,000 Leakage current specified value D 16 5,000 560 1851 1320 The following requirements shall be satisfied when the capacitor are restored to 25 after exposing them for 1,000 hours at 105 without voltage applied. RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIPLIERS Capacitance change 20% of the initial value Shelf Life Frequency Multipliers Dissipation factor(tan) 200% of the specified value Leakage current 200% of the specified value Frequency (Hz) Vdc Cap.(uF) Others Conforms to JIS-C-5101-4 (1998), characteristic W. 120 1K 10K 100K 56 ~ 82 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.80 200 ~ 450 100 ~ 560 1.00 1.30 1.40 1.50 DIMENSIONS (mm) D 10 12.5 L < 35 12.5 L 35 16 18 D D +0.5 Max D +1.0 Max d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 F 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 35 L+1.5 Max a L + 1.5 Max L + 2.0 Max 40 L+2.0 Max PART NUMBERING SYSTEM ( Example : 420V 68F ) P V 2 S 6 8 0 M N N 164 0 Special Request Size code(1640 : 1640) Lead length code Lead forming Type code Capacitance tolerance code(M:20%) Capacitance code (68F) Voltage code (420V) Series code (PV) 34 35 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PV Series PJ Series Case size & Permissible rated ripple current: (mA rms) at 105 / 120Hz For electronic ballast circuits and long life required applications Vdc 200 250 350 uF High ripple current D L RC D L RC D L RC 6.8 1016 90 Load life: 8,000 to 10,000 hours at 105 10 10 16 100 10 20 110 10 20 110 15 1016 110 1020 130 1020 130 SPECIFICATIONS 22 1020 180 1020 180 12.520 235 Item Performance Characteristics 33 1020 215 12.520 245 12.525 265 Category Temperature Range -25 ~ +105 47 12.5 20 310 12.5 25 340 16 25 400 Working Voltage Range 160 ~ 450Vdc 68 12.5 25 420 16 20 460 18 25 510 Capacitance Range 6.8 ~ 330 F 82 1625 490 1625 490 1832 570 Capacitance Tolerance 20% (at 25 and 120Hz) 100 1825 560 1825 610 1836 650 Dissipation Factor 120 1825 600 1825 650 1840 750 Rated Voltage (V) 160 200 250 350 400 450 (tan) 150 1832 780 1832 810 2034 840 tan(Max) 0.20 0.20 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 (at 25, 120Hz) 220 18 36 920 18 36 940 I=0.03CV + 10A 330 1840 1010 1850 1050 I : Leakage current (A) C : Rated capacitance (F) V : Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current Impress the rated voltage for 2 minutes. 390 1845 1130 The following requirements shall be satisfied when the capacitor are restored to 25 after the rated voltage 470 1850 1270 applied for 10,000 ( 8,000 hours for 10 ) hours at 105. Vdc 400 420 450 Endurance Capacitance change 20% of the initial value uF D L RC D L RC D L RC Dissipation factor(tan) 200% of the speciefi d value 6.8 10 16 90 10 16 90 10 20 80 Leakage current specified value 10 1020 110 1020 110 12.520 130 The following requirements shall be satisfied when the capacitor are restored to 25 after the rated voltage 15 12.520 180 12.520 180 12.520 160 applied for 1,000 hours at 105 without voltage applied. Capacitance change 20% of the initial value 22 12.525 240 12.525 240 12.525 200 Shelf Life Dissipation factor(tan ) 200% of the specified value 33 1625 280 1625 290 1625 310 Leakage current 500% of the specified value 47 16 32 390 16 32 390 18 25 400 68 1636 505 1640 510 1832 550 Others Conforms to JIS-C-5101-4 (1998), characteristic W. 82 1832 560 1832 570 1836 635 100 1836 640 1836 610 1840 720 DIMENSIONS (mm) 120 1840 745 1840 660 1845 770 D 10 12.5 L < 35 12.5 L 35 16 18 150 1845 760 1850 710 1850 820 D D +0.5 Max D +1.0 Max d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 F 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIPLIERS 35 L+1.5 Max Frequency Multipliers a L + 1.5 Max L + 2.0 Max 40 L+2.0 Max Frequency (Hz) Vdc 50/60 120 1K 10K 100K PART NUMBERING SYSTEM ( Example : 350V 150F ) 200 ~ 350 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.40 P J 2 V 1 5 1 M N N 1 8 4 0 400 ~ 450 0.80 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.35 Special Request Size code(1840 : 1840) Lead length code Lead forming Type code Capacitance tolerance code(M:20%) Capacitance code(150F) Voltage code(350V) Series code(PJ) 36 37