0832UDLF/SB Long-life soldering tip with ERSADUR LF coating for the following soldering stations: ANALOG 60 (0ANA60), ANALOG 60 A (0ANA60A), ANALOG 80 (0ANA80), ANALOG 80 A (0ANA80A), DIGITAL 80 A (0DIG80A), DIGITAL 2000 A version with Power tool soldering iron (0DIG20A84), Multi-Pro (0930CD), Multi-Sprint (0960ED), Multi-TC (0760CD), RDS 80 (0RDS80), MICRO-CON 60 iA (0MIC60IA) with Power tool soldering iron (0840CDJ), TWIN 80 A (0TW80A) with Ergo tool soldering iron (0680CDJ), ELS 8000 (0ELS80000C, 0ELS8000MC, 0ELS8000DC), and for the following soldering stations that are out of stock: MS 6000 (0MS6000), MS 8000 (0MS8000), and MS 8000 D (0MS8000D). Coating long-life tip Shape of soldering tip: pencil point Soldering tip diameter / width (mm) 0,40 Interior diameter of the shaft (mm): 6,6 8,5 Exterior diameter of the shaft (mm): Total length (mm) 55,00 Weight (g) 0,012 X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for ersa manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 0162KD 0085JD E008100 0A04 0A39 0DIG20A84 0A48 ERSA-832EDLF ERSA-012BD ERSA-MINITYP ERSA-81100J 0832KDLF/SB 0832YDLF/SB 0A52 BASIC SET INDEPENDENT 75 ERSA 0102WDLF23/SB 0102PDLF02/SB CHIP TOOL VARIO 0WICKNC2.7/SB SVP100 0152JD 0ICV2000AI 0T55 0ANA60 E033100 E096100 0102WDLF35/SB 0200MD 0550MD 055JD 05X100 0A43 0ICV2000A 0ICV2000AC E092100 0T56 0130CDK 0172LD 0760CD 0930CD 0IC2000AXT 0612KDLF/SB ERSA-MINOR ERSA-RDS80 ERSA-832YDLF ERSA-212WD 072604/10 0842CDLF/SB 0832UDLF/SB 0842SDLF/SB