TM UZBee Plus ZigBee / 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver with USB interface FlexiPanel Refer to the firmware data sheets for specific details of Summary operation. UZBee Plus is a Pixie / IEEE 802.15.4 radio with USB Programming interface, housed in a dongle style enclosure. Supports reduced and full function IEEE 802.15.4 To program an UZBee Plus, you must first load the and ZigBee operation. required firmware onto a TEAclipper, available from FlexiPanel Ltd and its distributors. USB interface compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Windows CE (devices with host USB The UZBee Plus is programmed by plugging in a controllers only) TEAclipper as shown in the photo. The UZBee Plus 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 RF module must be powered from a USB port at the time. PIC18LF4620 microcontroller The TEAclipper should not be inserted too deeply, to FCC / CE compliant avoid the contacts touching the screening can. The pins should be leaned against the holes so they make good Signature G antenna, free-space range 120m, electrical contact. compact, low hand-effect design 56mm x 20mm x 9mm When inserted the LEDs will flash alternate during programming. The green LED will pulsate when programming is complete. Integral antenna Pixie Module USB USB UART Device Drivers UZBee Plus uses the FTDI VCP device drivers. These may be downloaded from here: Ordering Information