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EAB/JIDGFJIAACN/ P Susanne Eriksson B1/P13O01W- 002BMR01 4-62 U00152 enU en
Technical SpecicationTechnical Specication
AApprpprovoveded CChecheckkeded DaDattee ReRevv RRefefererencencee
1/1/28701-BMR 4628701-BMR 4622 Rev.A Rev.A November November 2017 2017
BMR4BMR4 6622 series series PoL RegulatorsPoL Regulators
EAB/ FAC/P [Susanne Eriksson] 20092014--0708--0710 15 DF DY
Input Input 4.5-144.5-14 V, Output up to V, Output up to 1212 A A // 60 60 W W
Key Features
Small package
Laydown: 21.0 x 12.7 x 8.2 mm (0.827 x 0.5 x 0.323 in)
SIP: 20.8 x 7.6 x 15.6 mm (0.82 x 0.3 x 0.612 in)
0.6 V - 5.0 V output voltage range
High efficiency, typ. 97.1% at 5Vin, 3.3Vout half load
Configuration and Monitoring via PMBus
Synchonization & phase spreading
Voltage Tracking & Voltage margining
MTBF 21.2 Mh
General Characteristics
Fully regulated
For narrow board pitch applications (15 mm/0.6 in)
Non-Linear Response for reduction of decoupling cap.
Input under voltage shutdown
Over temperature protection
Safety Approvals Design for Environment
Output short-circuit & Output over voltage protection
Remote control & Power Good
Voltage setting via pin-strap or PMBus
Advanced Configurable via Graphical
Meets requirements in high-
Used Interface
temperature lead-free soldering
ISO 9001/14001 certified supplier
Highly automated manufacturing ensures quality
Ordering Information ............................................................. 2
General Information ............................................................. 2
Safety Specification ............................................................. 3
Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................. 4
Electrical Specification
12A/ 0.6-5V Lay Down version and Power Good option BMR4620002 (TH)
BMR4621002 (SMD)
BMR4620006 (TH)
BMR4621006 (SMD) ............................ 5
12A/ 0.6-5V Single in Line version (SIP) BMR4622002 ...................................... 13
EMC Specification ........................................................... 21
Operating Information ........................................................... 21
Thermal Consideration ........................................................... 30
Connections ........................................................... 31
Mechanical Information ........................................................... 40
Soldering Information ........................................................... 43
Delivery Information ........................................................... 44
Product Qualification Specification ........................................................... 46 2
Technical Specication
1/28701-BMR 462 Rev.A November 2017
BMR4 62 series PoL Regulators
Input 4.5-14 V, Output up to 12 A / 60 W
MTBF (mean value) for the BMR 462 series = 21.2 Mh.
Ordering Information
MTBF at 90% confidence level = 15.9 Mh
Product program Output
BMR 462 0.6-5.0 V, 12 A / 60 W
Compatibility with RoHS requirements
Product number and Packaging The products are compatible with the relevant clauses and
requirements of the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC and have a
BMR 462 n1n2n3n4/n5n6n7n8
maximum concentration value of 0.1% by weight in
Options n n n n / n n n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
homogeneous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent
Mounting /
chromium, PBB and PBDE and of 0.01% by weight in
Mechanical /
homogeneous materials for cadmium.
Digital interface
Exemptions in the RoHS directive utilized in Flex Power
Configuration file /
Modules products are found in the Statement of
Compliance document.
Options Description
Flex fulfills and will continuously fulfill all its obligations
under regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the
n 0 Through hole mount version (TH)
registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of
1 Surface mount version (SMD)
chemicals (REACH) as they enter into force and is through
2 Single in line (SIP)
product materials declarations preparing for the obligations
to communicate information on substances in the products.
n 0 Standard mechanical option
1 5.5mm pin length (for SIP)
3 3.28mm pin length (for SIP)
Quality Statement
The products are designed and manufactured in an
n n 02 PMBus and analog pin strap, with
3 4
Voltage Tracking Pin industrial environment where quality systems and methods
06* PMBus and analog pin strap, with Power like ISO 9000, Six Sigma, and SPC are intensively in use to
Good Pin (for Lay Down version only)
boost the continuous improvements strategy. Infant
mortality or early failures in the products are screened out
n n n 001 Standard configuration
5 6 7
and they are subjected to an ATE-based final test.
002 Negative logic
Conservative design rules, design reviews and product
qualifications, plus the high competence of an engaged
n B Antistatic tray of 100 products (SIP only)
work force, contribute to the high quality of the products.
C Antistatic tape & reel of 200 products
(Sample delivery avalable in lower
quantities. Not for SIP)
* Power Good pin option is only available in Lay Down version. (see
Warranty period and conditions are defined in Flex General
connections information in page 31)
Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Example: Product number BMR 462 0002/001C equals a through-hole
mounted, open frame, PMBus and analog pin strap, voltage tracking pin at
Limitation of Liability
4A, positive RC logic, standard configuration variant, package tape&reel
Flex does not make any other warranties, expressed or
implied including any warranty of merchantability or fitness
General Information
for a particular purpose (including, but not limited to, use in
Reliability life support applications, where malfunctions of product can
cause injury to a persons health or life).
The failure rate ( ) and mean time between failures
(MTBF= 1/ ) is calculated at max output power and an
Flex 2017
operating ambient temperature (T ) of +40C. Flex uses
The information and specifications in this technical
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 2 Method 1 to calculate the mean
specification is believed to be correct at the time of
steady-state failure rate and standard deviation ().
publication. However, no liability is accepted for
inaccuracies, printing errors or for any consequences
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 2 also provides techniques to
thereof. Flex reserves the right to change the
estimate the upper confidence levels of failure rates based
contents of this technical specification at any time without
on the mean and standard deviation.
prior notice.
Mean steady-state failure rate, Std. deviation,
47 nFailures/h 12.4 nFailures/h