0,2 % Per Khz + 0,1 %
0 , 1 To 600/6k/60k/600k/6m/50 mOhms
± (0 , 2 % + 1 digit)
0 , 01n To 10n/100n/1µ/10µ/100µ/9999 uF
± (1 % + 2 digits)
3 b A tteries 1 , 5 V lr6 (A A)
En61010 1000V Cat Iii, En61010 600V Cat Iv
0 , 1µ To 600µ/6000µ/60m/400m/6/10 A
(0 , 2 % + 2 digits)
0 , 1µ To 600µ/6000µ/60m/400m/6/10 A
(1 , 5 % + 2 digits)
0 , 1m To 600m/6/60/600/1000 V
(0 , 05 % + 1 digit)
0 , 1m To 600m/6/60/600/1000 V
(2 % + 3 digits)
± (1 % + 10 Digits)
(0 , 005 % + 1 digit)
0 , 01 To 199 , 99/1999 , 9/19 , 999k/199 , 99 KHz
Lcd (6000), With A Backlit
Batteries, Test Leads
Auto And Manual Ranging, Automatic Power - Off, Hold Function, Min/Max/Mean/Rel Function, Relative Measurement Function, Shock - Resistant Case, Backlit Keypad
± (1 % + 10 digits)
Acoustic Indication
Frequency, Ac Voltage, Dc Voltage, Capacitance, Ac Current, Dc Current, Resistance, Temperature, Duty Cycle
Digital Multimeter
- 200 To 1090 C
33 Segm. 40X/S