The FT62F086-TRB is a surface mount TSSOP-24 RoHS Other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) manufactured by Fremont Micro Devices. The FT62F086-TRB is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC CPU Core, with 2KB of cache, up to 32KB of flash memory and 4KB of SRAM. It also features an analog-to-digital converter, a Debug Com Station, and I2C for communications with other modules. Its peripheral specs include four timers, one pulse-width modulated (PWM) output, four serial controllers, two digital input / output (I/O) ports, and up to 32 I/O lines. Moreover, it offers support for USB and CAN bus interfaces, letting users make direct connections to other microcontrollers and devices. Overall, the FT62F086-TRB provides a great platform for fast and reliable application development.