FM1702NL is an RF chip manufactured by Fudan microelectronics with a 300 mil-wide SOIC (Small outline integrated circuit) package designed for applications requiring a wide range of frequencies, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and cellular networks. It has many advantages, such as low cost, low power consumption, and high frequency stability. It is specified for operation in the frequency range of 13.56MHz, with a maximum RF output power of 0.3W in the 13.56MHz ISM band and an operating range from -40°C to +85°C. The FM1702NL also features a high integration, single chip function, and can be applied in RFID tags as well as transponders. It has reduced parts count and fewer components, thus leading to operations with higher reliability. It meets the requirements of ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and homogenous materials.