The GS8749-TR with SOT23-5 Comparators ROHS is manufactured by Gainsil, an advanced semiconducts engineering company. This part is an integrated circuit comparator that contains a high speed differential amplifier, two cascaded open-collector Schmitt triggers, and a TTL-compatible push-pull output; all integrated in a small SOT23-5 package. This device can be used in a variety of applications, such as level detection, hysteresis control, or signal conditioning for digital/analog signals. It features low power consumption, a low input offset voltage, high input common mode voltage range, and precision on-chip bandgap reference voltage. This comparator is resistant to input voltage spikes, and operates over a wide temperature range from -40°C to 85°C. It has full EMI/EMS immunity, meets RoHS requirements, and is compatible with lead free solder.