Series P9 - Panel mounting Series P9 - Base mounting (1) Catalogue number structure Standard control units Illuminated control units Signalling units Contact blocks Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Control units using Contact blocks Cat. nr. Ref. nr. same operators of Push-buttons 1 NC P9B01VN 187001 standard plastic panel 1 NC P9B01BN 187017 1 NO P9B10VN 187002 Example: mounting devices P9 P = + + + = 1 NO P9B10BN 187018 + 2 NC P9B02VN 187008 Green push-button in metal, round with ush cap + + + = STYLE FORM TYPE CAP COLOUR PUSH-BUTTON TYPE LENS TYPE 1 NC + 1 NO P9B11VN 187000 + 2 contacts NO = P9 MPNVG + 2x P9 B10VN 2 NO P9B20VN 187009 Panel mounting P = Push-Button N = Non N = Black G = Flush D = Diffusor for M = Round satin illuminated R = Red S = Extended illuminated chrome L = Illuminated V = Green E = Recessed push-button Power supplies Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Integrated LED Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Push-button Push-button Push-button Push-button Push-button Selector switch Selector switch Selector switch Joystick Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated Pilot light Pilot light X = Round plastic G = Yellow only S = Square plastic L = Blue mushroom head emergency emergency push-button push-button push-button push-button selector switch diffused lens unibloc B = White push-twist to release with positive break with key (code 3095) push-pull to release full voltage BA9S Full voltage BA9S max. 380V-2W P9PDNB0 187070 with ush cap with raised cap with knob with lever with ush cap with raised cap with mushroom head 0 Power supplies x1 mushroom head push-twist to release key removal in all with mushroom head max. 2W not included not included Position mushroom head positions on ange Full voltage Full voltage P9PDNV0 187020 23 1 BA9S max. 380V-2W not included x2 40 mm Selector switches Round satin chrome 24V AC/DC Red P9 PLNB DR* 197040 P9 S 120V AC/DC Red P9 PLNB JR* 197046 P9M 230V AC/DC Red P9 PLNB NR* 197052 STYLE FORM TYPE CAM SPRING RETURN COLOUR *LED colour palette: A B G G R V Panel mounting S = Selector M = Knob D = 2 positions 0 = Fixed N = Black 40 mm 40 mm xed pos. P9MMN2F 40 mm 40 mm M = Round satin switches V = Lever Z = 3 positions 3 = From left & R = Red chrome L = Illuminated right V = Green P9MPNG Ref. nr. P9MPNS Ref. nr. P9MEM4N Ref. nr. Ref. nr. I-II xed I-II xed I-II xed 184700 P9MPLGD Ref. nr. P9MPLSD Ref. nr. P9MEM4 L Ref. nr. Ref. nr. I-II xed Ref. nr. P9MLD Ref. nr. Resistor F110/220V P9PRNVJ 187023 X = Round plastic Knob L 0 R G = Yellow BA9S 60V-1.2W included .....N.. 184000 .....N.. 184010 .....N.. 184030 P9MSMD0N P9MSVD0N P9MSCD0K95 transient pos. P9MMN2T .....R.. 184491 .....R.. 184501 .....R.. 184551 P9MET4RL1 184561 P9MSLD0R* 184591 .....R.. 184791 S = Square plastic L = Blue 1 = L .....R.. 184001 .....R.. 184011 .....R.. 184031 P9MER4RN 184070 184110 184370 184402 184701 ..... V .. 184492 ..... V .. 184502 ..... V .. 184552 I-0-II xed .....V.. 184792 5 = R 220-240V P9PRNVN 187024 Electrical diagrams 0 ..... V .. 184002 ..... V .. 184012 ..... V .. 184032 I-0-II xed I-0-II xed I-0-II xed .....G.. 184493 .....G.. 184503 .....G.. 184553 P9MSLZ0R* 184601 .....G.. 184793 BA9S 130V-2W included .....G.. 184003 .....G.. 184013 .....G.. 184033 P9MSMZ0N P9MSVZ0N P9MSCZ0T95 .....B.. 184497 .....B.. 184507 ..... L .. 184556 .....B.. 184797 Selector switches I-0-II spring return ..... L .. 184006 ..... L .. 184016 184200 184379 184439 xed pos. P9MMN4F P9MSLZ3R* 184631 I-0-II spring return I-0-II spring return I-0-II spring return 184720 Pilot lights Positions Function Contacts Position on ange P9MSMZ3N P9MSVZ3N P9MSCZ3C95 transient pos. P9MMN4T Transformer 50/60 Hz 110 - 120V P9PTNVJ 187030 contact closed 2 3 1 *Colour palette = 220 - 250V P9PTNVN 187031 184320 184391 184467 184721 P9 L RV G L I II BA9S 6V-1.5W included 90 D B10 STYLE FORM TYPE LENS TYPE Panel mounting L = Pilot light R = Red D = Diffused M = Round satin V = Green D B10 chrome G = Yellow Round plastic B01 X = Round plastic B = White P9X S = Square plastic (1) Multifunction Full voltage 24V P9PDMVD 187040 0 BA9S 24V-2W included I II 45 45 B/Z B10 Transformer 50/60 Hz 110 - 120V P9PTMVJ 187045 40 mm 40 mm B10 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 220 - 250V P9PTMVN 187046 xed pos. P9XMN2F BA9S 6V-0.6W included P9XPNG Ref. nr. P9XPNS Ref. nr. P9XEM4N Ref. nr. Ref. nr. Ref. nr. I-II xed I-II xed I-II xed P9XPLGD Ref. nr. P9XPLSD Ref. nr. P9XEM4L Ref. nr. Ref. nr. I-II xed Ref. nr. P9XLD Ref. nr. P9XUDD0 Ref. nr. 185700 Contact blocks 0 .....N.. 185000 .....N.. 185010 ........N.. 185040 P9XSMD0N P9XSVD0N P9XSCD0K95 .....R.. 185491 .....R.. 185501 .....R.. 185551 P9XETRRL1 185561 P9XSLD0R* 185591 .....R.. 185791 .....R.. 185821 transient pos. P9XMN2T I II 45 45 .....R.. 185001 .....R.. 185011 .....R.. 185041 P9XER4RN 185070 P9XER4RAN 185077 185110 185370 185402 ..... V .. 185492 ..... V .. 185502 ..... V .. 185552 I-0-II xed ..... V .. 185792 ..... V .. 185822 185701 P9 B 0 ..... V .. 185002 ..... V .. 185012 I-0-II xed I-0-II xed I-0-II xed .....G.. 185493 .....G.. 185503 .....G.. 185553 P9XSLZ0R* 185601 .....G.. 185793 .....G.. 185823 Z B11 .....G.. 185003 .....G.. 185013 P9XSMZ0N P9XSVZ0N P9XSCZ0T95 .....B.. 185497 .....B.. 185507 ..... L .. 185556 .....B.. 185797 .....B.. 185827 NORMALLY NORMALLY FORM TERMINAL TYPE CONTACT TYPE OPEN CONTACTS CLOSED CONTACTS B11 I-0-II spring return ..... L .. 185006 ..... L .. 185016 185200 185379 185439 xed pos. P9XMN4F (1) Do not connect for ashing light B = Contact 0 = None 0 = None V = Standard N = Normal P9XSLZ3R* 185631 I-0-II spring return I-0-II spring return I-0-II spring return 185720 Block 1 = 1 NO 1 = 1 NO screw A = Early closing P9XSMZ3N P9XSVZ3N P9XSCZ3C95 transient pos. P9XMN4T Link to external contact in order B = Base R = Late opening *Colour palette = mounting 185320 185391 185467 185721 to have steady or ashing light Z B10 RV G L screw C closed = Steady light B01 F = Faston C open = Flashing light Integrated LED Square plastic Power supplies Joysticks x1 P9S P9 P Position on ange Positions Contacts Position on ange 23 1 2 3 1 30 mm 40 mm FORM TYPE STYLE TERMINAL TYPE VOLTAGE 30 mm 40 mm x2 I-II xed Ref. nr. Double function P = Power D = Full voltage 0 = Normal V = Standard 0 = Full voltage P9SPNG Ref. nr. P9SPNS Ref. nr. Ref. nr. Ref. nr. I-II xed I-II xed P9SPLGD Ref. nr. P9SPLSD Ref. nr. P9SEM3L Ref. nr. Ref. nr. P9SLD Ref. nr. B11 with indicator light P9SSLD0R* 186591 supplies R = Resistor M= Multi-function screw D = 24V .....N.. 186000 .....N.. 186010 P9SSMD0N P9SSCD0K95 .....R.. 186491 .....R.. 186501 .....R.. 186551 P9SET4RL1 186561 .....R 186791 T = Transformer (continuous/blinking) B = Base J = 110-120V white lens Standard light 24V AC/DC Red P9 PLN VDR* 197004 I-0-II xed L = Led D = Dode mounting N = 220-240V .....R.. 186001 .....R.. 186011 P9SEM3RN 186031 P9SER4RA 186072 186110 186402 ..... V .. 186492 ..... V .. 186502 ..... V .. 186552 ..... V 186792 120V AC/DC Red P9 PLN VJR* 197010 P9SSLZ0R* 186601 L = Long life screw 250V AC/DC Red P9 PLNVNR* 197016 B11 ..... V .. 186002 ..... V .. 186012 I-0-II xed I-0-II xed .....G.. 186493 .....G.. 186503 .....G.. 186553 .....G 186793 without symbols T = Test F = Faston .....G.. 186003 .....G.. 186013 P9SSMZ0N P9SSCZ0T95 .....B.. 186497 .....B.. 186507 ..... L .. 186556 .....B 186797 P9DPLVRG00 186881 F = Flashing Flashing light 24V AC/DC Red P9 PLF VDR* 197022 ..... L .. 186006 ..... L .. 186016 186200 186439 with symbols B11 120V AC/DC Red P9 PLF VJR* 197028 I-0-II spring return I-0-II spring return P9DPLVRG01 186891 230V AC/DC Red P9 PLF VNR* 197034 P9SSMZ3N P9SSCZ3C95 *Colour palette = (1) Nomenclature keys are indicative only. Do not use for orders. 186320 186467 *LED colour palette: A B G L RV RV G L B11 The complete range is shown in our general catalogue Control and Automation Products 42693Series P9 Series P9 GE Consumer & Industrial Power Protection Main features Technical data Common accessories Push-button stations Panel mounting Climatic protections Performances of the contacts Bulbs BA9s Empty versions in thermoplastic IP66 Equipped versions in thermoplastic IP66, one unit Equipped versions in thermoplastic IP66, three units Slow action Vn Wn Cat. nr. Ref. nr. The standard versions are suitable for Light grey coloured Self-cleaning sliding Panel or base mounted use in the following climates: 4 1 to 6 mm NC positive opening Filament type 60,6 BA9S606 187850 1 a 6 mm Temperate climate Double movable contact 61,5 BA9S615 187851 cat. 23/50 (DIN 50014) 3 Four switching points 12 2,0 BA9S122 187852 Wet climate Double break 24 2,0 BA9S242 187853 cat. 23/83 (DIN 50015) 30 2,1 BA9S30 187854 Hot wet climate Idencation of the terminals 48 2,0 BA9S48 187855 cat. 40/92 (DIN 50015) 60 1,2 BA9S6012 187856 According CENELEC EN 50013 Variable wet climate 130 2,0 BA9S130 187857 cat. FW24 (DIN 50016) Electrical performances Mono led Vn AC/DC 10% Cover with holes No of holes Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Operators Colour Diagram Namepl. Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Operators Colour Diagram Namepl. Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Rated thermal current Ith = 10A 2 6 BA9S6LR* 187871 Knockouts conduit entry Temperature ranges Performances according IEC 947.5.1 12 BA9S12LR* 187881 For panel mounting Flush push-button green I P9EPA01Y02 189010 Full voltage white blank P9EPA03Y01 189018 Shape, material and colours Mounting system Fitting and positioning Operation: from 25C up to + 70C 1 (yellow cover) P9EPEG1 189000 Category AC15 24 BA9S24LR* 187891 pilot light Storage: from 40C up to + 70C 1 P9EPE01 189001 Voltage Ue (V) 24 48 60 110 220 380 500 600 48 BA9S48LR* 187901 BA9S max 380V-2W 1 Flush push-button white I P9EPA01Y03 189011 Current Ie (A) 10 10 10 6 3 2 1.5 1.2 2 P9EPE02 189002 110 BA9S110LR* 187911 not incl. The P9 line offers three types of operators: All the P9 operators are tted with seal to The P9 line offers a wide variety of 3 P9EPE03 189003 Vn AC 10% Flush push-buttons green I round in satin chrome metal ensure IP66 degree of protection. Degree of protection of the operators operators, contact blocks and power Emergency Category DC 13 4 P9EPE04 189004 Base mounting 230 BA9S230LR* 187921 round in engineered thermoplastic A locating tab on the operator allows the push-button with supplies for panel mounting. Voltage Ue (V) 24 48 60 110 220 300 6 P9EPE06 189005 IP66 according to CENELEC EN 60529 * Colour palette : R V G L B red 0 Current Ie (A) 2.5 1.4 1 0.55 0.27 0.2 latch according to red 0 P9EPAG1Y01N 189007 square in engineered thermoplastic correct positioning on panels with holes Furthermore a range of contact blocks and when they are mounted into enclosures EN418 Modern ergonomic P9 actuators are drilled according to CENELEC EN 50007 power supplies are available for base with the same or a higher degree of Performances according to CSA and UL (on yellow cover) available in a wide variety of colours and standards (with notch). mounting. Insert holders protection. Flush push-buttons black P9EPA03Y05 189022 AC/Heavy Duty (A600) - DC/Standard Duty styles, and are the result of superior The tab also ensures panel stability and pre- The base mounting option is simple thanks Suitable for using into enclosures (Q300) Accessories industrial design experience. vents unwanted rotations. Supplied with neutral P9ARTBS 188000 to plastic enclosures tted with a standard red 0 NEMA type 1-3-3R-3S-4-4X-12-13 Write-on plates insert engravable on P9ASTBS 188010 SERIES P9 satises any sophisticated The tab can be removed with a screwdriver mounting adaptor, which allows a snap-on according to UL 508. Minimum operating range Bilaminated, self adhesive, both sides black industrial applications. for applications in holes without notch. and secure fastening. 20 x 20 mm Standard 30 x 50 mm V Black background engravable Equipped versions in thermoplastic IP66, two units Degree of protection of the terminals 2 for white texts IP2x according to CENELEC EN 60529 3 12 1 Black Without text P9AELN 189030 Shock resistance 5 mA White 1 Red With text (1) START P9AELN202 189031 (according to MIL 202 B method 202 A) 2 STOP P9AELN201 189032 1/2 sinusoid 11 ms: Electrical life Round plates FORWARD P9AELN214 189033 No damage or disassembling at 100 G REVERSE P9AELN215 189034 for all devices (except for the illuminated Alternate current 50/60 Hz cat. AC15 For emergency START CLOSE P9AELN205 189035 operators with transformator 38 G). push-buttons Mounting Ith OPEN P9AELN206 189036 diameter 59 mm UP P9AELN204 189037 (yellow background) Operators Colour Diagram Namepl. Cat. nr. Ref. nr. Vibration resistance 600V 220V110V48/24V DOWN P9AELN203 189038 3.2 22.5 1 .125 .88 (according to IEC 68-2-6) LEFT P9AELN222 189152 Emergenza 080XTGR01 179525 Flush push-buttons green I P9EPA02Y01 189016 0.5 16 G with frequency range from 40 to (1) Other languages on request RIGHT P9AELN224 189154 Emergency Stop 080XTGR02 179526 500 Hz and maximum shifting 0.75 mm. Arrt durgence 080XTGR03 179510 red 0 ange with 3 seals 30mm With symbols P9AELN006 189041 (peak-to-peak). 0.1 1.18 Not - Aus 080XTGR04 179527 I P9AELN028 189042 0.05 Noodstop 080XTGR05 179528 0 P9AELN029 189043 Paro Emergencia 080XTGR06 179529 The catalogue numbers in bold are available from stock. Rated insulation voltage II P9AELN035 189044 50mm ange with 5 seals 0.01 690V according to EN 60947.1 III P9AELN038 189045 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 1.97 0-I P9AELN039 189046 Current (A) I-0-II P9AELN042 189047 Rear locking and back mounting Fast mounting Safety and reliability Plugs Impulse withstand voltage Fitted for panels 1 to 6 mm thick with holes procedure Direct current cat. DC 13 4 kV according to EN 60947.1 drilled according to CENELEC EN 50007 All the P9 rear panel devices are snap-on. The P9 contact blocks are designed to Earth terminal clamp P9AEMT 189029 Series P9 Ith standards. Mounting between panel and operator is ensure maximum reliability in every P9 operators are back mounted to the panel Round P9ARHPR 187491 accomplished by means of a patented snap- condition and to monitor control circuits at by a patented locking ring. The units can be Electric shock protection 24V 220V 110V 48V Square 30x30mm P9ASHP3 187792 Empty versions in on ange which ensures a fast tting. low energy levels (12V-5mA minimum), 1 assembled using a standard screwdriver. Compliance with standards Class I according to IEC 536 for metal Control and Signalling Units Rectangular 30x50mm P9ASHP5 187793 GE POWER CONTROLS Ltd 0.5 For base mounting, the tting is done directly thanks to advanced solution such as: aluminium alloy As an option, an assembly wrench is operators IEC 947.5.1 - VDE 0660 - NF-C63140 129-135 Camp Road on the adaptor inside the enclosures base. four contact points Class II (double insulation) according to available. Grey coloured RAL 7012 CEI EN 60947.5.1 - UTE - BSI St Albans GE CONSUMER & INDUSTRIAL IEC 536 for plastic operators. Each single block can be mounted or removed high efciency self-cleaning operation Panel mounting Herts AL1 5HL POWER PROTECTION Tools NEMA - CENELEC EN 50007 0.1 individually. silver contacts, properly shaped Cover with holes United Kingdom Nieuwevaart 51 0.05 Customer Service B-9000 Gent - Belgium 1 080SP1 170801 In panel mounting, it is also possible to install high control pressure. Short-circuit protection Tel. 0800 587 1251 Tel. +32/9 265 21 11 Approvals 2 080SP2 170802 or remove the snap-on mounting ange with With fuses type gG of 16A according to Fax 0800 587 1239 Fax +32/9 265 28 00 0.01 3 080SP3 170803 the contact block group. cULus B - RINA (I) 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 IEC 269.1 and 269.3. E-mail: gepcuk E-mail: gepcbel 4 080SP4 170804 Current (A) Blocks and/or ange can be disassembled by Lloyds Register of Shipping (U.K.) - GOST 6 080SP6 170806 a standard screwdriver, to simplify operations. Bureau Veritas (F) Electrical resistance of the contact 8 080SP8 170807 Locking ring wrench P9ACWAF 187845 CE 25 m according to IEC 255, cat 3 12 080SP12 170808 Bulb extractor 080ESL 170212 18 080SP18 170809 Extractor for caps P9ASEBG 187795 35 080SP35 170811 GE imagination at work GE imagination at work and lenses 680823 Ref. C/4553/E/EX 15.0 Ed. 09/07 Copyright GE Consumer & Industrial 2007 50mm 1.97 23.5 .93 Millions of operations Millions of operations