The GD32F103ZET6 with ARM Microcontrollers - MCU ARM CORTEX M3 MCU, LQFP144, Tr is a high performance microcontroller manufactured by Gigadevice. It is powered by an ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit processor, making it capable of performing multiple operations in a single instruction cycle. The GD32F103ZET6 is an ultra low-power MCU with the combination features of rich peripherals, varied power-saving modes, flexible clock sources, and advanced debugging capabilities. It also includes up to 128K of Flash memory, 24K RAM, 12-bit ADC module, 11-channel DMA controller, 20-channel Timer module, 1 I2C, 2 USARTs, 2 CAN2.0B, 2 SPI, and 2 I2S. All major interfaces and connectivity protocols are supported in the GD32F103ZET6. This MCU is also equipped with robust security features, making it highly secure in applications that use data integrity and confidentiality.