The GD32F303RCT6 with GigaDevice is a LQFP integrated circuit (IC) with 64 pins in a 10x10x0.5 mm RoHS package manufactured by Gigadevice. It is a low power ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller with a maximum operating frequency of 72 MHz, up to 64k Flash memory, and up to 16k SRAM. The device offers several enhanced features such as advanced connectivity options, built-in USB, CRC, an onboard LCD controller, and a CAN 2.0B protocol controller. Additionally, integrated analog peripherals such as 12-bit D/A converter, 12-bit A/D converter and comparators are available for application-specific requirements. This device is suitable for the development of small, low power IoT and wearable products, motor control and robotics applications, and more.