The GD32F405RGT6 is an ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller manufactured by Gigadevice. It is based on theARM Cortex-M4 processor core and incorporates 32-bit general purpose registers and a floating-point unit. This provides high performance and rich features such as DFU programming, cryptography, a wide range of peripherals, and advanced power management. The GD32F405RGT6 is offered in a 64-pin LQFP package and has 256K bytes of Flash memory, 24K bytes of SRAM, and an independent watchdog. It features multiple modes of operation, 12-bit ADC, 15 timers, 2 CAN bus controllers, 8 serial communication interfaces, 1 Ethernet MAC, multiple real-time clocks, debugging and programming, and support for multiple external memory sources. It also provides good energy efficiency with various low-power features available.