The GD32F450IGH6 is a high-performance microcontroller with an ARM Cortex-M4 MCU from Gigadevice. It features a BGA176 package and is based on ARM's Cortex-M4 core. It operates at system up to 120MHz and has memory with built-in Flash of up to 1MB as well as SRAM of up to 128K. It supports multiple interoperability standards such as FMC/FSMC, CAN 2.0B, Ethernet, USB 2.0 OTG, CAN 2.0B, USART interface, LPUART interface, SPI, I2C and ADC. It also integrates a comprehensive suite of on-chip peripherals for communication, security, analog, power management, and more. This microcontroller is ideal for industrial applications, travel equipment, medical instruments, and automation equipment.