TM 2 I2C-TRN Dual Bidirectional I C Voltage-Level Translator User Manual GRAVITECH.US uResearch GRAVITECH GROUP Copyright 2007 MicroResearch GRAVITECH GROUP WWW.GRAVITECH.US TM 2 I2C-TRN Dual Bidirectional I C Voltage-Level Translator User Manual Description Features The I2C-TRN board is an 8-pin CMOS Stand alone module, no external device that translates voltage level. It components required allows bidirectional voltage translation On-board 3.3 voltage regulator, between 1.2V and 5V, without the use of a pull-up resistors and power LED direction pin. The low ON-state resistance 2-Bit bidirectional translator for of the switch allows connections to be SDA and SCL lines in mixed-mode 2 made with minimal propagation delay. I C applications There are no external components Less than 4.5-ns maximum required. This makes it perfect for propagation delay to accommodate 2 embedded systems that require voltage standard-mode and fast-mode I C translation between the master and slave. devices Allows voltage-level translator This I2C-TRN designed ready for 5V to between 3.3V translator. It allows 5V system to 9 1.2V V and 1.8V, 2.5V, REF1 communicate to 3.3V device without 3.3V, or 5V V REF2 having external 3.3V supply. 9 1.8V V and 2.5V, 3.3V, REF1 or 5V V REF2 This board features innovations that set it 9 2.5V V and 3.3V, or 5V REF1 apart from other voltage-level translator V REF2 module. Innovations feature like on-board 9 3.3V V and 5V V REF1 REF2 pull-up resistors, power LED and 3.3 V Provide bidirectional voltage regulator, which make it ready for 5V to translation with no direction pin 2 3.3V translator. It can also use to power Open-drain I C I/O ports provides up external devices for up to 90mA. The less signal distortion module can be quickly connected directly Design easy for breadboard on to the breadboard. The board is small High quality double sided PCB and compact in size 0.70 x 0.57 inches. Small and compact in size 0.70 x 0.57 inches The I2C-TRN is designed base on Dual row 0.6 width, 0.1 pitch 2 PCA9306 IC. This dual bidirectional I C header pins voltage-level translator, with an enable (EN) input, is operational from 1.2-V to 3.3-V V and 1.8-V to 5.5-V V . REF1 REF2 When EN is high, the translator switch is Applications ON, and the SCL1 and SDA1 I/O are connected to the SCL2 and SDA2 I/O, 2 Voltage-level translation for I C bus respectively, allowing bidirectional data flow between ports. When EN is low, the 2 * I C is a trademark of Philips Semiconductors Corporation. translator switch is off, and a high- impedance state exists between ports. Copyright 2007 MicroResearch GRAVITECH GROUP WWW.GRAVITECH.US