1 / 1 1 / 2 2 , 5 : 0 0 A M P o l e M o u n t i n g K i t ( P M K S e r i e s ) - H a m m o n d M f g . Quality Products. Service Excellence. Pole Mounting Kit PMK Series Junction and Wallmount Style - Steel Features Designed to mount outdoor rated enclosures - Hammond 1414N4, Eclipse, Eclipse Junior, HWHK, 1418N4 and EN4DH Series Individual components allow user to choose mounting configuration and/or components to purchase Note: Eclipse Series enclosures require use of external Eclipse Mounting Foot Kit (sold separately) This pole mount kit is a 2 or 3 part system. Choose Vertical Channel: Vertical channel can be lagged directly to pole or attached using optional stainless steel straps Vertical channel prevents enclosure from twisting. Can be used on pole diameters from 4 and up Choose Horizontal Channel: Horizontal steel channels (sold in pairs) come with all hardware needed to secure the enclosure Choose Straps (Optional): Stainless steel straps sold separately in quantities of 4 PMSTRAP40 straps are rated for 450 lbs each and can be used for pole diameters up to 10 PMSTRAP55 straps are rated for 250 lbs each and can be used for pole diameters up to 15 Gallery Vertical Channel Use with Hammond Series Part No. Description 1414N4 Eclipse Junior (EJ) 1418N4/HWHK Eclipse (EN4SD) PMV1216GY Qty 1 - Vertical Steel Channel 12 -16 encl height 12 -16 encl height 12 -16 encl height 12 -16 encl height PMV2024GY Qty 1 - Vertical Steel Channel - - 20 -24 encl height 20 -24 encl height PMV3036GY Qty 1 - Vertical Steel Channel - - 30 -36 encl height 30 -36 encl height PMV4248GY Qty 1 - Vertical Steel Channel - - 42 -48 encl height 42 -48 encl height h t t p s : / / w w w . h a m m f g . c o m / e l e c t r i c a l / p r o d u c t s / a c c e s s o r i e s / p m k 1 / 21 / 1 1 / 2 2 , 5 : 0 0 A M P o l e M o u n t i n g K i t ( P M K S e r i e s ) - H a m m o n d M f g . Horizontal Channel Use with Hammond Series Part No. Description 1414N4 Eclipse Junior (EJ) 1418N4/HWHK Eclipse (EN4SD) PMH15GY Qty 2 - Horizontal Steel Channel 12 -16 encl width 12 -16 encl width 12 -20 encl width 12 -16 encl width PMH25GY Qty 2 - Horizontal Steel Channel - - 24 -30 encl width 20 -24 encl width PMH35GY Qty 2 - Horizontal Steel Channel - - 36 encl width 30 -36 encl width Stainless Steel Straps Part No. Description PMSTRAP40 Qty 4 - 0.50 x 39 length 316 stainless strap, supports up to 450 lbs, pole diameters up to 10 PMSTRAP55 Qty 4 - 0.31 x 55 length 316 stainless strap, supports up to 250 lbs, pole diameters up to 15 Data subject to change without notice 2022. Hammond Manufacturing Ltd. All rights reserved. h t t p s : / / w w w . h a m m f g . c o m / e l e c t r i c a l / p r o d u c t s / a c c e s s o r i e s / p m k 2 / 2