15.0 5-WIRE T ouch Screen Specialists TOUCHSCREEN SPECIFICATION ver: 11.10.0 MODEL: SE-1505-E102 DATE: 10-01-2011 Product that has been mounted and removed is not returnable for cosmetic defects scratches, chips or cracks. Approved Signature Printed Name / Company Date A TTENTION: REGARDING HIGH-RISK APPLICA TIONS The Products have not been designed, manufactured, tested or qualified for use in any high- risk application (a High-Risk Application), including, but not limited to, the following: life support or life sustaining, medical device as defined by applicable law , nuclear , vehicle control (including airplane, automotive, train and other vehicle) or any other application in which failure of the Product, or the product into which it is incorporated, could foreseeably result in personal injury , death, or significant property damage. T o contact us, please call us toll-free at (425) 774-8151 or send email to sales hantouchUSA.com V isit us on the web at www .hantouchUSA.com INSPECTION Inspection Within 30 days after delivery customer will inspect the products and give written notice of rejection to Hantouch USA detailing the manner in which any products do not conform to specifications. Upon receiving authorization and shipping instructions from Hantouch USA, customer may return rejected products. If the customer retains the products after their delivery without giving Hantouch USA such notice within the designated period, customer will be deemed to have irrevocably accepted the products. Customer s inspection and acceptance tests shall not exceed the inspection and test procedures customary in the industry for the products and shall be at customer s expense. Hantouch USA may charge to the customer any costs resulting from the testing, handling, and disposition of any products returned by the customer which are not found by Hantouch USA to be non-conforming. Hantouch USA reserves the right to make changes in the specifications, characteristics, data, materials, structures and other contents described herein at any time whithout notice in order to improve design or reliability. Contact Hantouch USA in order to obtain the latest specification sheets before using any Hantouch USA device. Manufacturing locations are also subject to change. HantouchUSA 5-wire analog V er:11.10.0 Page: 2/8 T ouch Screen Specialists