1. Helukabel Armoured Cables: These are armoured cables which are often used in power, control, instrumentation and data transmission installations. They feature an aluminium-coated steel armouring, as well as a number of other protective layers such as polyester warp fabrics, polyvinyl chloride, polythene sheathing and a PVC-sheating insulation.
2. Helukabel Power Cables: These are power cables which are used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. They have a high temperature and flame-resistant rubber sheathing and insulation and water-resistant insulation and sheathing.
3. Helukabel Installation Cables: These are cables which are designed for harsh environment and consist of solid core or strands of flexible or solid cables. These cables are usually used in industrial and commercial applications where flexibility and robustness is essential.
4. Helukabel Control Cables: These are shielded cables which are designed for the transmission of data and control signals in high-speed and high-frequency applications.
5. Helukabel Low Voltage Cables: These are low voltage cables which are used for low voltage power distribution and lighting systems. They are also used in audio and video markets as well as in instrumentation applications.
6. Helukabel High Voltage Cables: These are cables which are used in large scale power distribution systems, such as cable TV networks, utility companies and industrial plants.
7. Helukabel Data Cables: These are copper or fibre optics cables which have been designed for the transmission of data in large areas or networks.
8. Helukabel Communication Cables: These cables are designed for communication in large industrial complexes or networks. They consist of copper, fibre optics and ethernet cables.
9. Helukabel Automation Cables: These cables are used in industrial automation systems and include cables such as motor and equipment feeder cables as well as process control cables.
10. Helukabel Flexible Cables: These are flexible cables which have been designed for the reliable transmission of data, power and control signals in a wide range of applications.
11. Helukabel Solar Cables: These are cables which are used in solar energy applications and are designed for the transmission of power from a solar panel to the device in a residential, commercial or industrial setting.
12. Helukabel High Temperature Cables: These are cables which are designed for high temperature applications and are used in high temperature industrial and commercial settings.
13. Helukabel Multi-Conductor Cables: These are made up of multiple conductors which are encased in an insulation and are used for indoor wiring applications such as the transmission of power and data.
14. Helukabel Marine Grade Cables: These cables are used in marine applications and feature durable insulation and sheathing materials which can withstand exposure to salt water, humidity, acid and other corrosive environments.
15. Helukabel Multi-Core Cables: These cables have multiple cores which can be used for the transmission of several different signals. They are usually used in integrated control and lighting systems.