RG-CoaxialCables Type RG174 A/U RG174 U RG178 B/U RG179 B/U RG180 B/U RG187 A/U Partno. 40197 400189 40007 40008 40009 40010 Cablestructure Innerconductormm 7 x0,2 7 x0,2 7 x0,1 7 x0,1 7 x0,1 7 x0,1 Steel/copper,bare Steel/copper,bare Steel/copper,silvered Steel/copper,silvered Steel/copper,silvered Steel/copper,silvered Insulationmm 1,52 PE 1,52 PE 0,86 PTFE 1,6 PTFE 2,6 PTFE 1,6 PTFE Outerconductor Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Braid Tinnedcopper Tinnedcopper Silveredcopper Silveredcopper Silveredcopper Silveredcopper - - - - - - Outersheath PVC PVC FEP FEP FEP PFA Min.bendingradiusapp.mm 15 15 10 15 25 15 TemperaturerangeC -35to+80 -35to+80 -55to+200 -55to+200 -55to+200 -55to+260 Copperweightkg/km 7,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 11,0 9,0 Outerapp.mm 2,8 2,6 1,8 2,5 3,7 2,6 Weightapp.kg/km 11 11 8 16 28 17 Electricalcharacteristics Impedance(Ohm) 50 2 50 2 50 2 75 3 95 5 75 3 Frequencyrange f(max.)GHz 1 1 3 3 3 3 Propagationvelocityv/c 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 Attenuationat20C (db/100m) 100MHz 30 30 43 28 20 28 200MHz 45 45 62 41 33 41 500MHz 73 73 102 69 - 69 800MHz 93 93 134 92 - 92 1000MHz - - - - - - 1350MHz - - - - - - 1750MHz - - - - - - CapacitancepF/m 101 101 93 63 50 64 Rel.velocityofpropagation% 70 70 70 70 70 70 Insulationresistance 5 5 5 5 5 5 MOhmxkmmin. 10 10 10 10 10 10 Loopresistance max.(Ohm/km) 360 360 860 840 840 840 NominalpeakvoltagekVs 1 1 1 1 2 1 Dielectricstrength 50HzkVeff 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - Dimensionsandspecificationsmaybechangedwithoutpriornotice. Note Thematerialsusedinmanufacturearecadmium-freeandcontainnosiliconeandfreefromsubstancesharmfultothewettingpropertiesoflacquers. ThecolouratFEPandPFAoutersheathisbrownorwhiteasperproductionoutlet. RG-CoaxialtypesareinaccordancewithUS-MilitaryspecificationsMIL-C-17. RG/U:R=Radio,G=Guide,U=Utility Application Coaxialcablesareusedinhighfrequencytransmission,especiallyfortransmittersandreceivers,computers,radioandTVtransmissions.Thevaried mechanical,thermalandelectronicpropertiesofCoaxialcablesmeanthattheycanbeusedupintotheGHzlevels,aspercabletype. 16.04.2015/DimensionsandspecificationsmaybechangedwithoutpriorX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Coaxial Cables category: Click to view products by Helukabel manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 89880-003-1000 633948-877-1000 CY2389-000 8213-010-1000 8221-010-U1000 8233-010-1000 88281-010-500 1322R-010-1000 177799- 000 1807A-B59-U1000 9167-010-1000 9251-010-1000 9275-010-U1000 935240-000 9659-010-1000 980704-001 CF2823-000 33312-010- 500 CZ1589-000 5022W0809-0CS3263 10610-4-4 EF8108-000 1673B TIN100 672525-001 144517-000 8-1616396-1 8263-010-U1000 8263 010U500 8268-010-500 8262 010U1000 7915A 009U1000 5024A1311-0 TRC-75-1 1281S5 010250 1281S5 000250 1530A 010U1000 1505A 0081000 9248 010U1000 CO-142BNCX200-001 7809WB 010500 9244 0101000 1694A 0081000 9204 0101000 8241F J5C1000 1530A 0101000 1674A TIN50 7915A 0091000 7915A 010500 TWCH-78-2 TWC-78-1