TechnicalData Sheet LOCTITE 495 (TDS for new formulationof Loctite495 ) February -2012 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ABS <5 PVC <5 LOCTITE 495 providesthefollowingproduct characteristics: Polycarbonate 10 to15 Technology Cyanoacrylate Phenolic <5 ChemicalType Ethyl cyanoacrylate Appearance (uncured) Transparent, colorlessto straw LMS coloredliquid Components One part -requires no mixing Cure Speed vs. Bond Gap Viscosity Low The rate of cure willdepend on thebondlinegap. Thinbond linesresultinhighcure speeds,increasingthebond gap will Cure Humidity decrease therate of cure. Application Bonding Cure Speed vs. Humidity Key Substrates Plastics, Rubbers and Metals The rate of cure willdepend on theambientrelative humidity. The bestresultsare achieved when therelative This Technical Data Sheet is valid for LOCTITE 495 humidity intheworking environment is40% to60% at22C. manufactured from the dates outlined in the Lower humidity leadstoslower cure. HigherhumidityManufacturing Date Referenc section . acceleratesit,but may impairthefinalstrengthof thebond. Cure Speed vs. Activator LOCTITE 495 isa general purpose cyanoacrylate instant Where cure speedisunacceptably longdue tolarge gaps, adhesive. applyingactivatortothesurface willimprove cure speed. However, thiscan reduce ultimatestrengthof thebond and Commercial Item Description A-A-3097: therefore testingisrecommended toconfirmeffect. LOCTITE 495 has been qualified to Commercial Item TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIAL DescriptionA-A-3097. Note: Thisisa regional approval. Adhesive Properties Pleasecontactyour localTechnicalService Center for more After 24 hours 22 C informationand clarification. LapShear Strength, ISO4587 : Steel (gritblasted) N/mm 14.2 TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL (psi) (2,060) SpecificGravity 25 C 1.1 Aluminum (gritblasted) N/mm 10.8 (psi) (1,570 ) Zincdichromate N/mm 5.9 Viscosity,Cone & Plate,mPas (cP): -1 LMS (psi) (860) Temperature: 25 C, Shear Rate:3,000 s 20 to45 ABS * N/mm 7.9 Viscosity,Brookfield -LVF, 25 C, mPas (cP): * (psi) (1,150) Spindle1, speed30 rpm, 20 to60 PVC * N/mm 8.7 * (psi) (1,260) FlashPoint-See SDS Polycarbonate * N/mm 8 * (psi) (1,160) Phenolic N/mm 9.9 TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCE (psi) (1,440) Under normal conditions,theatmosphericmoistureinitiatesthe Neoprene * N/mm 1 curing process. Although full functionalstrengthisdeveloped * (psi) (145) ina relatively shorttime,curing continuesfor atleast24 hours Nitrile * N/mm 1.3 before full chemical/solventresistanceisdeveloped. * (psi) (190) Cure Speed vs. Substrate The rate of cure willdepend on the substrateused. The table below showsthe fixture timeachieved on different materials BlockShear Strength, ISO13445: at22 C / 50% relativehumidity. Thisisdefined asthetimeto Polycarbonate N/mm 8.4 develop a shearstrengthof 0.1N/mm. (psi) (1,220) Fixture Time, seconds: ABS * N/mm 22.3 MildSteel (degreased) 5 to10 * (psi) (3,230) Aluminum (degreased) <5 PVC N/mm 2.9 Neoprene <5 (psi) (420) Rubber, nitrile <5 Phenolic * N/mm 16.0 * (psi) (2,320) * substrate failure60 C 100 C TDS LOCTITE 495, February -2012 Ethanol 22 110 115 120 TensileStrength, ISO6922: 98% RH 40 80 65 55 Buna-N N/mm 13.7 Water 22 85 75 70 (psi) (1,990) Water/glycol50/50 22 95 85 80 PeelStrength, ISO11339: Chemical/Solvent Resistance Steel (degreased) N/mm <0.5 Aged under conditionsindicatedand tested 22C. (lb/in) (<2.8) LapShear Strength, ISO4587, Polycarbonate After 10 seconds 22 C TensileStrength, ISO6922: LMS Buna-N N/mm 6.0 % of initial strength (psi) (870 ) Environment C 100 h 500h 1000 h Air 22 105 110 110 98% RH 40 120 125 110 TYPICAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE After 1 week 22 C LapShear Strength, ISO4587 : MildSteel (gritblasted) GENERAL INFORMATION This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as Hot Strength asealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. Testedattemperature 150 For safe handling information on this product, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 125 100 Directions for use: 1. Bond areasshould be clean and free from grease. Clean 75 allsurfaceswith a Loctitecleaningsolventand allow to dry . 50 2. To improve bonding on low energy plasticsurfaces, 25 LoctitePrimer may be appliedtothe bond area. Avoid applyingexcessPrimer. Allow thePrimertodry . 0 3. -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 LOCTITE Activatormay be used ifnecessary. Apply itto Temperature, C one bond surface (do not apply activatortothe primed surface where Primer isalsoused). Allow the Activatorto Heat Aging dry . Aged attemperature indicatedand tested 22 C 4. Apply adhesive toone of the bond surfaces(do notapply BlockshearStrength, ISO13445, the adhesive tothe activatedsurface). Do not use items Polycarbonate liketissueor a brush tospread the adhesive. Assemble the partswithin a few seconds. The partsshould be accurately located,asthe shortfixture timeleaves little 125 opportunity for adjustment. 5. LOCTITE Activatorcan be used tocure filletsof product 100 outsidethe bond area. Spray or drop the activatoron the excessproduct . 75 6. Bondsshould be held fixed or clamped untiladhesive has fixtured . 50 7. Product should be allowed todevelop full strengthbefore subjectingtoany serviceloads(typically24 to72 hours 25 after assembly,depending on bond gap, materialsand ambientconditions). 0 LMS 0 250 500 750 1000 Loctite Material Specification Exposure Time, hours LMS dated January -03, 2012. Testreportsfor each batchare availablefor the indicatedproperties. LMS testreportsinclude selected QC testparameters considered appropriate to Chemical/Solvent Resistance specificationsfor customer use. Additionally,comprehensive Aged under conditionsindicatedand tested 22 C. controlsare in place to assure product quality and % of initial strength consistency. Specialcustomer specificationrequirements may Environment C 100 h 500h 1000 h be coordinatedthrough Henkel Quality. Motoroil(MIL-L-46152) 40 120 130 95 Storage Gasoline 22 100 120 105 Store product in the unopened containerin a dry location. Isopropanol 22 110 110 120 Henkel Americas Henkel Europe Henkel AsiaPacific +860.571.5100 +49.89.320800.1800 +86.21.2891.8859 For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: 80 C 120 C % Initial Strength 22 C % Strength 22 C