TechnicalData Sheet LOCTITE SI 5084 Known as LOCTITE 5084 September -2015 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Surface Cure LOCTITE SI 5084 provides the following product When curing with sufficientUV light irradiance,exposed material curesdry to the touch in seconds. Atmospheric characteristics: moisture curesmaterialnot exposed to UV light. Technology Silicone Cured for 7 days 22 C /505 % RH: ChemicalType Alkoxy silicone SkinOver Time, minutes 77 LMS Appearance (uncured) Translucent straw coloredpaste Tack FreeTime, minutes 93 Components One component - requiresno mixing Cured 250 mW/cm, : SkinOver Time, seconds 2 Thixotropic Reduced migrationof liquidproduct Tack FreeTime, seconds 4 afterapplicationto substrate Cure Ultraviolet(UV) light Cured 75 mW/cm, : Secondary Cure Moistureforshadowed areas SkinOver Time, seconds 2 Cure Benefit Production -highspeed curing Tack FreeTime, seconds 6 Application Gasketing orSealing SpecificBenefit Non-corrosive Flexibility Enhances load bearing & shock Depth of Cure absorbing characteristicsofthe bond Shadowed areasrelyon surfaceand/oratmosphericmoisture area. to effectcure. Depth of cure islimitedto approximately 6 Strength High millimetersand willtake at least24 hours to develop. Rapid depth of cure can be attained with focused UV light.The graph(s) below show the depth of cure obtained up to 60 LOCTITE SI5084 resistsweathering, moisture,ozone and seconds at two differentlevelsofUV irradiance. retainsitsproperitiesthrough severeenvironments . 10 TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL 250 mW/cm SpecificGravity 25 C 1.11 7.5 FlashPoint -SeeSDS Flow,ISO 7390,mm 0 Extrusion Rate, g/min: 5 Pressure0.63MPa, time 15 seconds,temperature 25 C : LMS Semco Cartridge 140 to 300 2.5 TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCE 0 Normalprocessingconditionswillincludeexposure to sufficient 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 UV lightirradianceto effectivelycure the material.Surface Time, seconds and/oratmosphericmoisture willpromote the cure ofmaterial in shadowed regions.Although functional strength is TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIAL developed almost instantly due to the UV curing nature of Cured 40 mW/cm, measured 365 nm, for60 seconds perside LOCTITE SI5084 ,increasedcure propertiesaredeveloped plus 7 days 22 C /50% RH during 72 hours at ambient conditions. Physical Properties : -4 CoefficientofThermalExpansion, 2.9310 -1 ISO 11359-2,K Water Absorption, ISO 62,% : 24 hours inwater 22 C 0 TearStrength, ISO 34-1 ,DieB N/mm 13.2 (lb./in.) (75 ) Non-VolatileContent, ASTM D 2369,% >95 75 mW/cm Depth of Cure, mm TDS LOCTITE SI5084 , September -2015 Water Vapor Trans.Rate ,ASTM E96,g/(hm) 0.4 assembledshould be mated within a few minutes afterthe CompressionSet ,ASTM D 395, Method B,% : product isdispensed. Aged 22 C for 70hours 18 6. Excess materialcan be easilywiped away with non-polar Aged 75 C for 70hours 58 solvents . Aged 100 C for 70hours 84 LMS Loctite Material Specification LMS dated August -26,2003. Test reportsforeach batch are Electrical Properties : availableforthe indicatedproperties. LMS test reportsinclude DielectricConstant /DissipationFactor,IEC60250 : selected QC test parameters consideredappropriate to 100-Hz 2.99/0.002 specificationsforcustomer use. Additionally,comprehensive 100-kHz 2.96/0.003 controls are in place to assure product quality and 14 Volume Resistivity,IEC60093,cm 5.510 consistency. Specialcustomer specificationrequirementsmay DielectricBreakdown Strength, 490 be coordinatedthrough Henkel Quality. IEC60243-1,kV/mm Storage Cured 70 mW/cm, measured 365 nm, for 60 seconds per Store product in the unopened containerin a dry location. sideplus 3 days 22 C /505% RH Storage informationmay be indicatedon the product container Physical Properties : LMS labeling. ShoreHardness, ISO868,DurometerA 32 to 47 LMS Optimal Storage: 8 C to 21 C. Storage below 8 C or Elongation,ISO 37,% 250 LMS greater than 28C can adversely affect product properties . TensileStrength ,ISO 37 N/mm 3.4 Materialremoved fromcontainersmay be contaminated during (psi) (493 ) use. Do not return product to the originalcontainer. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibilityforproduct which has been contaminated orstoredunder conditionsotherthan those previously indicated.Ifadditionalinformationisrequired, TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIAL please contact your localTechnical Service Center or Adhesive Properties Customer ServiceRepresentative. Cured 40 mW/cm, measured 365 nm, for60 seconds,plus 7 Conversions days post UV Cure 25 C /50% RH (C x 1.8)+ 32 = F Lap ShearStrength, ISO 4587: kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil Aluminum to Glass N/mm 1.2 mm /25.4 = inches (psi) (175 ) m /25.4 = mil Steel to Glass N/mm 1.5 Nx 0.225 = lb (psi) (217) N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in Glass to Glass N/mm 1.4 N/mm x 145 = psi (psi) (203) MPa x 145 = psi Nm x 8.851 = lbin 180 PeelStrength, ISO 8510-2: Nm x 0.738= lbft Aluminum N/mm 2.1 Nmm x 0.142= ozin (lb/in) (12) mPas = cP Steel N/mm 2.3 Note: (lb/in) (13) The informationprovided in this TechnicalData Sheet (TDS) including the Glass N/mm 5.4 recommendations foruse and application of the product arebased on our (lb/in) (31) knowledge and experienceofthe product as at the date ofthisTDS. The product can have a variety of differentapplicationsas wellas differingapplication and working conditionsinyour environment that arebeyond our control.Henkelis, therefore,not liableforthe suitability ofour product forthe production processes GENERAL INFORMATION and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen applicationsand results.We strongly recommend that you carryout your own priortrialsto confirmsuch suitability ofour product. and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as Any liabilityinrespectofthe informationinthe TechnicalData Sheet orany other a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. written ororalrecommendation(s) regardingthe concernedproduct isexcluded, except ifotherwiseexplicitlyagreedand except inrelationto death orpersonal injury caused by our negligenceand any liabilityunder any applicablemandatory For safe handling information on this product, consult the product liabilitylaw. Safety Data Sheet (SDS). In case products are delivered by Henkel Belgium NV, Henkel Electronic Materials NV, Henkel Nederland BV, Henkel Technologies France SAS and Henkel France SA please additionally note the following: Directions for use: In case Henkelwould be neverthelessheldliable,on whatever legalground, 1. Forbest performancebond surfacesshould be cleanand Henkelsliabilitywillinno event exceed the amount ofthe concerneddelivery. freefromgrease. In case products are delivered by Henkel Colombiana, S.A.S.the following 2. The product isdesignedto be initiallycured with UV light disclaimer is applicable: The informationprovided in this TechnicalData Sheet (TDS) including the at a minimum irradianceof70 mW/cm forapproximately recommendations foruse and application of the product arebased on our 20 seconds, increasedexposure may be requiredfor knowledge and experienceofthe product as at the date ofthisTDS. Henkelis, curingdeepersections. therefore,not liableforthe suitability ofour product forthe production processes 3. Functional strength isachievedalmost instantly . and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended applicationsand results.We strongly recommend that you carryout your own 4. Fullperformancepropertieswilldevelop over72 hours. priortrialsto confirmsuch suitability ofour product. 5. Moisture curing begins immediatelyafterthe product is Any liabilityinrespectofthe informationinthe TechnicalData Sheet orany other exposed to the atmosphere, thereforeparts to be Henkel Americas Henkel Europe Henkel Asia Pacific +860.571.5100 +49.89.320800.1800 +86.21.2891.8859 For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: