TechnicalData Sheet LOCTITE 3593 May -2005 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIAL LOCTITE 3593 provides the following product Cured for 1 hour 150 C Physical Properties : characteristics: -1 CoefficientofThermal Expansion,ASTM E 831,K : Technology Epoxy -6 Pre Tg 5010 Chemical Type Epoxy -6 PostTg 16010 LMS Appearance (uncured) Blackliquid GlassTransitionTemperature ,ASTM D 3418,C 110 Components One component - requiresno mixing Water Absorption,ISO62, % : Cure Heatcure 2 hoursinboilingwater <2 Application Underfill 24 hoursinwater 22 C <1 DispenseMethod Syringe CoefficientofThermal Conductivity,ASTM F 433, 0.21 W/(mK) Key Substrates Electroniccomponents ExtractableIonicContent, g/g : SpecificBenefit Processspeed Chloride <45 Reworkable No Potassium <1 Sodium <2 LOCTITE 3593 isa rapidcuring,fastflowing,liquidepoxy ShoreHardness, ISO868 ,Durometer D 88 designed foruse asa capillaryflow underfillforchip size VolumetricShrinkage,ASTM D 792, % <5 packages.Itisdesigned forproductionwhere processspeed is Elongation,ISO527 ,% 2 a key concern .Itsrheologyisdesigned toallowittopenetrate TensileStrength,ISO527 N/mm 41 gaps as smallas 25 m . LOCTITE 3593 iseasily (psi) (6,000) dispensed,minimizes induced stress,providesimproved TensileModulus,ISO527 N/mm 2,000 (psi) (300,000) temperature cycling performance and hasexcellent chemical resistance. Electrical Properties : DielectricBreakdown Strength,IEC60243-1,kV/mm 29 TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL 15 Volume Resistivity,IEC60093, cm >9010 SpecificGravity 25 C 1.18 15 Surface Resistivity,IEC60093, >910 VOC, ASTM D 3960, g/l <1 DielectricConstant/DissipationFactor,IEC60250 : MoistureContent,ASTM D 4017, % <0.11 1-kHz 3.5/0.01 TotalVolatileContent,ASTM D 2369, % 0.12 10-kHz 3.5/0.007 FillerContent,% 0 100-kHz 3.4/0.015 Viscosity,Cone & Plate,mPas (cP) : -1 LMS Temperature: 25 C, Shear Rate:5 s 3,500 to6,500 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIAL -1 Temperature: 25 C, Shear Rate:20 s 4,500 to6,000 Adhesive Properties CapillaryFlow Rate,seconds: Cured for 10 minutes 165 C ,tested 22 C Flow time,100 C, glasstoglass,25 m : LapShear Strength,ISO4587 : 6.35 mm flow 10 LMS LMS 12.7 mm flow 30 Epoxyglass N/mm 8 (psi) (1,160 ) 25.4mm flow 70 Potlife 22 C , days 7 GENERAL INFORMATION FlashPoint-See MSDS For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). RECOMMENDED CURING CONDITIONS 3 minutes 165 C Handling Information 5 minutes 150 C 1. Receiving Cold Shipments Allshippingboxes are packed with cold gel packs to Note: With allfastcure systems,thetime required forcure maintaintemperaturebelow 8 C duringtransit. depends on therateofheating. Conditionswhere a hotplate orheatsinkisused are optimum forfastestcure. Cure rates 2. Temperature Equilibration depend on themassofmaterialtobe heated and intimate A new package ofmaterialcan be broughttoambient contactwith theheatsource. Use suggestedcure conditions conditionsby allowingtostandatroom temperature(22 2 as general guidelines. Other cure conditionsmay yield C ) for1 to2 hours(actualtime required willvary with satisfactoryresults. package size /volume). Do notloosencontainerlids,caps or covers:syringe packs must be allowed to equilibratein tipdown orientation. Heat must never be used as partial polymerization(curing)couldoccur. TDS LOCTITE 3593 , May -2005 Directions for use Conversions (C x 1.8)+ 32 = F Load product intodispensingequipment. A variety of kV/mm x 25.4= V/mil applicationequipment types are suitableand include:hand mm /25.4= inches dispense/time pressurevalve auger stylevalve linearpiston N x 0.225= lb pump and jet valve. Selection of equipment shouldbe N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in determined by applicationrequirements - for advice on N/mm x 145 = psi equipment selectionand processoptimization,usersshould MPa x 145 = psi contacttheirTechnicalService Center. Nm x 8.851 = lbin 1. Ensure thatair isnot introduced to productduring Nm x 0.738 = lbft equipment set-up. Nmm x 0.142= ozin 2. For bestresults,the substrateshouldbe pre-heated mPas = cP (typicallyto90 to100 C forabout20 seconds) toallow fastcapillaryflow and facilitateleveling.The dispense Note nozzle may alsobe pre-heated(30 to50 C maximum) to The datacontainedherein are furnishedforinformationonly furtherincreasecapillaryflow. and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume 3. Dispenseproductatmoderate speed (2.5 to12.7 mm/s). responsibilityfortheresultsobtainedby othersover whose Ensurethatneedle tipisabout0.025 to0.076 mm from methodswe have no control. Itistheuser sresponsibilityto substratesurfaceand from chip edge - thiswillensure determine suitabilityfortheuser spurposeofany production optimalflowconditionsfortheUnderfill. methodsmentioned herein and toadoptsuchprecautionsas 4. The dispensepatternistypicallalongone sideo may be advisablefortheprotectionofpropertyand ofpersons patternalong two sides,focused at the corner. againstany hazardsthatmay be involvedinthehandlingand Applicationshouldstartatthelocationfurthestaway from use thereof.Inlightof the foregoing,Henkel Corporation the chip center - thishelpsensure a void free fill specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, underneath the die. Each leg oftheorpattern including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a shouldnotexceed 80 % ofthelengthofeach die edge particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel being dispensed. Corporations products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental 5. Insome cases secondor thirdapplicationofproductmay damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion be necessary. herein of variousprocessesor compositionsisnottobe For Cleanup interpretedas representationthatthey are free from dominationofpatentsowned by othersorasa licenseunder Wipe thesurfaceusinga cottonswab soakedwith a suitable any Henkel Corporationpatentsthatmay cover such solvent(e.g. Loctite7360 or acetone). Repeat thisstep processesor compositions. We recommend thateach witha clean dry cottonswab. prospectiveusertesthisproposedapplicationbefore repetitive use,usingthisdataasa guide. Thisproductmay be covered by one or more United Statesor foreignpatentsor patent Do Not return product to refrigerated storage any surplus applications. product should be discarded Trademark usage Except asotherwisenoted,alltrademarksin thisdocument LMS Loctite Material Specification are trademarksof Henkel Corporationin the U.S. and LMS dated May -10, 2001. Testreportsforeach batchare elsewhere. denotesa trademark registeredin the U.S. availablefortheindicatedproperties. LMS testreportsinclude Patentand Trademark Office. selected QC testparameters considered appropriateto specificationsforcustomeruse. Additionally,comprehensive controlsare in place to assureproduct quality and Reference 1.0 consistency. Specialcustomerspecificationrequirementsmay be coordinatedthroughHenkel Quality. Storage Storeproductin the unopened containerin a dry location. Storageinformationmay be indicatedon theproductcontainer labeling. Optimal Storage: 2 C to 8 C. Storage below 2 C or greater than 8 C can adversely affect product properties. Materialremoved fromcontainersmay be contaminatedduring use. Do notreturnproducttotheoriginalcontainer. Henkel Corporationcannotassume responsibilityforproductwhich hasbeen contaminatedorstoredunder conditionsotherthan thosepreviouslyindicated.Ifadditionalinformationisrequired, please contactyour localTechnical Service Center or CustomerService Representative. Henkel LoctiteAmericas Henkel LoctiteEurope Henkel LoctiteAsiaPacific +949.789.2500 +44.1442.323.3233 +852.2233.0000 For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit: