NNeexxeennssooss SSMMDD 00880055,, PPtt TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSeennssoorr aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo DDIINN EENN 6600775511 Temperature range -50 C to +130 C (150 C*) Pt-RTD in standard SMD format SMD 0805 Pt RTD elements are designed for automated assembly on printed circuit boards. The precision, accuracy High accuracy and interchangeability of a platinum sensor and interchangeability of a Pt RTD in an SMD package Automated mounting via standard pick-and-place tools provides an ideal solution for board-mounted temperture Blister reel packaging sensing, board protection, and temperature compensation. Application areas include HVAC, automobiles, e-mobility, and medical and industrial equipment. In principle, the products can also be used in automotive applications, in this case Heraeus will check upon the request of the customer, whether additional requirements can be met (e.g. IMDS, PPAP). NNoommiinnaall RReessiissttaannccee RR TToolleerraannccee CCllaassss OOrrddeerr NNuummbbeerr PPaacckkaaggiinngg Pt100 F 0.3 (Class B) 32207605 Blister reel F 0.6 (Class 2B) 32207604 Blister reel Pt1000 F 0.3 (Class B) 32207615 Blister reel F 0.6 (Class 2B) 32207614 Blister reel TTeemmppeerraattuurree RRaannggee ooff TToolleerraannccee CCllaassss DDiimmeennssiioonnss aanndd TToolleerraanncceess iinn mmmm Tolerance Class F 0.3 (B) -50 C to +130 C L1: 2.3 0.2 Tolerance Class F 0.6 (2B) -50 C to +130 C W: 1.4 0.2 *(With the use of expansion-matched circuit board materials H: 0.6 0.1 temperatures up to +150 C are possible) L2: 0.3 0.2 TTeemmppeerraattuurree CCooeeffffiicciieenntt TCR = 3850 ppm/K RReessppoonnssee TTiimmee Water (v = 0.4 m/s): t0.5 = 0.1 s t0.9 = 0.25 s Air (v = 2 m/s): t0.5 = 2.5 s t0.9 = 8 s MMeeaassuurriinngg CCuurrrreenntt Pt100 : 0.3 to 1 mA Pt1000 : 0.1 to 0.3 mA (self-heating has to be considered) LLoonngg--TTeerrmm SSttaabbiilliittyy Image for illustration purposes only The drift of the resistance value at 0 C after a storage for Color, shape and forming of metallization may vary 1000 hours in air at the declared upper temperature limit is not more than the tolerance value of the declared tolerance class according DIN EN 60751. Typical drift of R(0 C) is 0.06 % after 1000 hours at +150 C. SSeellff--HHeeaattiinngg 0.8 K/mW at 0 C Heraeus Nexensos GmbH, Germany Document: 20002221225 Part 001 Version 01 Status: 09/2021 Web: www.heraeus-nexensos.com Contact: nexensos.america heraeus.com Page 1 of 3NNeexxeennssooss SSMMDD 00880055,, PPtt TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSeennssoorr aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo DDIINN EENN 6600775511 Temperature range -50 C to +130 C (150 C*) TTyyppeess MMoouunnttiinngg Pt 1000 SMD 0603 Layout of the circuit board: Benchmarker II 150Qm (Material Pt 1000 SMD 0805 FR4 35Qm Cu, size 190.5 x 127 x 1.5mm) Pt 1000 SMD 1206 Circuit board surfaces: chem. Ag, Cu OSP, NiAu, chem. Sn Soldering paste: F640 SA30C5-89 M30 SSoollddeerriinngg CCoonnddiittiioonnss (Material SnAgCu 96.5/3.0/0.5) Limit profiles: High and Low Atmosphere: Nitrogen and air PPeeaakk ((mmaaxx.. tteemmppeerraattuurree)) TTiimmee oovveerr 221177 CC iinn sseecc.. Total Troughput Time High Low High Low Total throughput Total throughput Total throughput Total throughput time 520 sec time 280 sec time 520 sec time 280 sec Center +237 C +245 C 60 92 Mass +231 C +238 C 49 68 Mix +238 C +248 C 65 103 RReessuulltt All tested samples showed a sufficient wetting under the described profiles High and Low, based on a visual soldering point inspection. All given data should not be constructed as guaranteeing specific properties of the product or its suitability for a specific particular application. The data are an extract from a test report with status from July 2010. Heraeus Nexensos GmbH, Germany Document: 20002221225 Part 001 Version 01 Status: 09/2021 Web: www.heraeus-nexensos.com Contact: nexensos.america heraeus.com Page 2 of 3 Sensor position on circuit board