The LM293MM/TR with MSOP-8 Comparators ROHS manufactured by HGSEMI is an electronic part consisting of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated, low-power operational amplifiers. These amplifiers take in two independent inputs and output the difference between them. It can be used to compare, amplify, and filter signals for a variety of applications, such as logic gates, active filters, and analog-to-digital converters. It is constructed with the MSOP-8 package, which is an 8-pin surface mount package, and is RoHS compliant. Its operating voltage range is from 2.5V to 10V and power consumption ranges from 100uA to 1.2mA. The LM293MM/TR is designed to provide reliable operation under extreme temperature conditions, with a maximum operating temperature of +125°C and a minimum operating temperature of -40°C.