The Holtek HT45B0005 is an Interface - Specialized SOP-8_150mil RoHS electronic part. It is a low-voltage 8-bit microcontroller with built-in ROM, RAM, and I/O peripherals. It is ideal for applications requiring reduced component count, increased memory density, and cost savings. The HT45B0005 provides access to various functions such as general-purpose I/O, serial communication interfaces (SPI/I2C), moving average filter, timers, PWM, and programmable edge detection (PEI). It also contains Holtek's Clock Selection and Clock Source Select (CSS) clock sources for selecting from 6 different clock sources. Additionally, the HT45B0005 contains low-power sleep modes, wake-up capabilities, and robust internal reset schemes. With its industry-leading low voltage operation, the HT45B0005 is an optimal choice for battery-operated applications.