The HC89F0531-SSOP24-T-M is a Other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) SSOP-24 RoHS manufactured by Holychip. It is an 8-bit processor core with single cycle MCU and has on-chip RC oscillator and 1K SRAM with advanced peripherals. It features two 16-bit timer/capture/compare modules, one 8-bit timer/counter, two 8-bit analog-to-digital converters, one power-on reset, one brown-out reset, two programmable voltage detectors, an EEPROM controller, two programmable serial ports, an 8-bit output port, an extended interrupt vector table, and an eight-level.stack. It is operated with a 4 to 16MHz oscillator, consumes just 1mA of current in active mode and has low-power standby options. It supports I2C, SPI and UART communications and is available as an SSOP-24 RoHS compatible package.