Model Super TJE Ultra Precision Pressure Transducer DESCRIPTION The gage Model Super TJE is a strain gage based transducer Model Super TJE is one of the most accurate industrial pressure and features a unique true gage design which utilizes a transducers available today. The Super TJE features 0.05 % second welded stainless steel diaphragm that hermetically seals accuracy and zero temperature error of less than 0.0015 % the strain gage circuitry from atmospheric contamination. This FS/F. These specifications are maintained by welding a double design references the primary pressure sensing diaphragm to jacket shell of stainless steel along with our proprietary true the atmosphere, and provides a stable zero regardless of the gage second diaphragm that isolates the strain gage circuitry transducer environment. from atmospheric contamination. High output options of 5 Vdc or 10 Vdc and 4 mA to 20 mA eliminate the need for an amplifier The absolute Model Super TJE has an all-welded vacuum card in the data system. An optional signature calibration chip reference chamber assuring long-term stability. provides calibration information for automatic set-up with the Model SC four-or-twelve-channel digital indicator. FEATURES 0.0015 % FS/F temperature effect 0.05 % accuracy 10 psig to 7500 psig range True gage or absolute mV/V, 4 mA to 20 mA, 0 Vdc to 5 Vdc, or 0 Vdc to 10 Vdc output Isolated double wall construction Enhanced temperature stability 12 Intrinsically safe available (2N option only) 13 CEModel Super TJE OPTION CODES PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Many range/option combinations are available in our Range Code Characteristic Measure quick-ship and fast-track manufacture programs. Pressure ranges1 10 psig 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, Please see