Push ButtonsPPaaggee Program B3 2 2222,,55mmmm Push Buttons 3 EMERGENCY STOP Buttons 4 Key Operated Rotary Switches 4 Rotary Knobs and Swing Knobs 5 Illuminated Rotary Knobs and Swing Knobs 5 Illuminated Push Buttons 6 Double Push Buttons 6 Lens Caps 7 Monoblock-Multi-LED 7 Connector 8 Insert Actuator 8 Contact Blocks and Lamp Holders 8 Lamps, LED Lamps 9 Accessories 9 Label Holder, Legend Plates, Actuator Cap 10, 11 Connector 12 Contact Blocks and Lamp Holders 12 Lamps, Accessories 13 Units for Surface Mounting Assembled Units IP65 15 E nclosures BG.. 16 Contact Blocks and Lamp Holders for E nclosures BG.. 16 Push Buttons for Enclosures 18 E xtensions for Push Buttons 18 Technical Data, Approvals 19 Dimensions 20-24 Dimensions and technical datas are all subject to change without notice 1