Development Platform iW-RainboW G35D Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC Development kit iWave s Zynq Ultrascale+ SoC Development kit comprises of Xilinx s Ultrascale+ MPSoC SOM and Ultra-High-Performance carrier card. The SOM is equipped with 64-bit 4GB DDR4 RAM with ECC for PS & 64-bit 4GB Dual DDR4 RAM for PL. The Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC development kit carrier board supports required set of features like FMC+ (HPC), FMC (HPC), FireFly, QSFP, SFP+, 12-Pin Pmod, and HDMI- IN/OUT connectors to validate Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC high-speed PL interfaces and PCIe x4, SATA, USB-Type-C, Display Port, Gigabit Ethernet and SDI Video IN/OUT on-board connectors to validate the Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC high-speed PS interfaces. Applications: Artificial intelligence, Broadcast audio/video, HPC, Deseggregarted computing, 5G wireless, 100G connectivity iW-RainboW G35D SPECIFICATIONS HIGHLIGHTS Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC with 1143K Logic Cells GPIO Header x1 Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC SOM: Zynq Ultrascale+(ZCU19EG) MPSOC (-1 speed) 1200 MHz RTC Holder x1 PS -GTR Transceivers x 4 6Gbps PMIC with RTC JTAG Connector x1 PL -GTH Transceivers x 32 16.3Gbps 8GB eMMC Flash (for boot code) PL - Interface 4GB DDR4 RAM for PS Pmod Connector x2 PL -GTY Transceivers x 16 32.735Gbps 4GB Dual DDR4 RAM for PL SFP+ Connector x1 QSFP+ Connector x1 PS-GTR Transceivers x 4 6Gbps FireFly Connector PL-GTH Transceivers x 32 16.3Gbps SDI Video IN Connector x1 FMC+ HPC Connector PL-GTY Transceivers x 16 32.735Gbps SDI Video OUT Connector x1 HDMI IN Connector x1 Gigabit Ethernet PHY FMC HPC Connector USB2.0 Transceiver HDMI OUT Connector x1 QSFP & SFP+ Connector Ultra-High-Performance Carrier Board: FMC+ Connector x1 PS - Interface FMC Connector x1 Dual 12 -Bit Pmod Connectors 10/100/1000 Ethernet x2 FireFly Connector x1 CAN Header x1 Power Supply HDMI - IN/OUT Debug Console x1 4-Pin DIN Power Connector (12V) x1 SD Connector x1 SDI Video IN/OUT Switches USB 2.0 OTG Connectorx1 Reset Button x1 Dual 1G Ethernet M.2 SATA Connector x1 Power ON/OFF Switch x1 PS-GTR Lane Selection Switch x1 DP Connector x1 USB-Type-C Connector x1 Operating System PCIex4 Connector x1 Linux mktg ZU19/17/11 Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC Development Kit BLOCK DIAGRAM OS SUPPORT DELIVERABLES Optional KITS/Modules CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT BSP Development/OS Porting Linux 4.41.0 Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC Pmod Modules Custom SOM/Carrier Development Development kit Custom Application/GUI Development Linux 4.14.0 BSP Design Review and Support 12V AC-DC Adapter HW/SW user manuals Quick Start Guide iWave Systems Technologies, established in 1999 focuses on Product Engineering Services involving Embedded Hardware, Software & FPGA. The Company designs and develops cutting edge products and solutions. iWave has been innovator in development of highly integrated, high performance, low power and low cost System On Modules and Development Platforms. i Wave s expertise brought out multiple SOMs based on ARM, NXP, Intel Atom, Marvell and TI Processors. iWave Systems has won the confidence of its customers over the years by being a reliable partner in developing innovative products. Our engineers combine outstanding system design experience to deliver Quality Solutions. iWave specializes across Industrial, Automotive and Medical domains. We support our customers by being time efficient, which in turn helps our customers accelerate time to market their products. iWave is windows embedded Silver Partner and winner of the Partner Excellence Award. *Optional items not included in standard deliverables Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC Development Kit Note: iWave reserves the right to change these specifications without notice as part of The device can be ordered online from the iWave website iW av e s continuous effort to meet the best in breed speci cation. The registered