RoHS-Compliant 1.063/1.25/2.125 Gbps 850 nm
SFP Transceiver
Key Features
Compliant with industry-wide physical and optical specifications
Lead free and RoHS compliant
Cost-eeff ctive SFP solution
Triple-rate FC/Ethernet performance
Enables higher port densities
Enables greater bandwidth
Proven high reliability
Applications This lead-free and RoHS-compliant multirate small form factor pluggable (SFP)
Hig h-sp e e d storage are a net works transceiver provides superior performance for Fibre Channel and Ethernet
Switch and hub interconnect applications, and is another in our family of products customized for high-speed,
Mass storage systems interconnect short-reach SAN and intra-POP applications. The multirate feature enables
Host adapter interconnect its use in a wider range of system applications. It is fully compliant with FC-PI
C omputer cluster cross-conne c t 100-M5/M6-SN-I, 200-M5/M6-SN-I, and 1000BASE-SX specifications. The
Custom hig h-sp e e d d at a pip es housing provides improved EMI performance for demanding applications. This
Shor t-re ach Et her net transceiver features a highly-reliable 850 nm oxide vertical-cavity surface-emitting
laser (VCSEL) coupled to an LC optical connector. Its small size allows for high-
density board designs that, in turn, enable greater total aggregate bandwidth.
1 G FC, 2 G FC, and 1 GE triple-rate performance enables flexible system design
and configuration
L e ad f re e and R oHS compli ant p er Europ e an Dire c t ive 2002/95/EC
En hance d dig it a l di ag nost ic fe ature s et a l lows re a l-t ime monitor ing of
transceiver performance and system stability
Bail mechanism enables superior ergonomics and functionality in all port configurations
E xtende d volt age and extende d temp erature
MSA-compli ant sma l l for m fac tor fo otpr int
S er i a l ID a l lows c ustomer- and vendor-system-sp e cific infor mat ion to b e pl ace d
in transceiver
A l l-met a l housing prov ides sup er ior EMI p er for mance
wEBSITE: www.jdsu.com
NORTH AMERICA: 800 498-JDSU (5378) w ORlD wIDE : +800 5378-JDSU2.224 56.50
.470 11.94
.539 13.70
Pl RXPl -v I-S24-22 Features
Us es a hig h ly-reli able, hig h-sp e e d,
850 nm, oxide VCSEL
L e ad f re e and R oHS compli ant
Hot plug gable
Dig it a l di ag nost ics, SFF-8472 re v 9.5
C ompli ant w it h Fibre C hannel 200-
M5/M6-SN-I and 100-M5/M6-SN-I
C ompli ant w it h 1000BASE-SX,
IEEE 802.3
L ow nomina l p ower consumpt ion
(400 mW )
40C to 85C op erat ing temp era-
ture range
Sing le +3.3 V p ower supply
10% extende d op erat ing volt age
Bit er ror rate < 1 x 10
O p en C ol le c tor Transmit dis able, loss
of signal and transmitter fault functions
CDRH and IEC 60825-1 Class 1 las er
eye safe
Dimensions in inches [mm]
FC C C l ass B compli ant
ESD C l ass 2 p er MIL-STD 883
An eye-safe, cost effective serial transceiver, the PLRXPL-VI-S24-22 features a small,
low-power, pluggable package that manufacturers can upgrade in the field, adding
bandwidth incrementally. The robust mechanical design features a unique all-metal
housing that provides superior EMI shielding.