Sino-microelectronicsThe HBR5150-DO-201AD with Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBD) DO-201AD RoHS is a Sino-microelectronics product manufactured by Jilin. This RoHS-compliant diode is used in a wide variety of circuits, from high-speed switching to light detection and current measurement. It features a low forward voltage drop, fast and efficient switching, and a low reverse leakage current. It has an extremely low thermal resistance and is designed for automated assembly processes. Its maximum power dissipation is up to 0.5W. Its typical temperature coefficient is 1.3mV/K. The package consists of DO-201AD plastic with a green-colored epoxy coating. It can withstand up to 30kV of electrostatic discharge. This SBD can be used in applications such as TV receivers, switch-mode power supplies, motor drivers, power converters, telecom equipment, and various noise suppression applications.