MULTI-LAYER HIGH-Q CAPACITORS These lines of multilayer capacitors have been developed for High-Q and microwave applications. The S-Series (R07S, R14S, R15S) capacitors give an ultra- high Q performance, and exhibit NP0 temperature characteris- tics. The L-Series (R05L) capacitors give mid-high Q performance, and exhibit NP0 temperature characteristics. The E-Series (S42E, S48E, S58E) capacitors give excellent high-Q performance from HF to Microwave frequencies. Typical uses are high voltage, high current applications. They are offered in chip (Ni barrier or Non-Magnetic Pt.-Ag) or in Non-Magnetic leaded form. RoHS compliance is standard for all unleaded parts (see termination options box). HOW TO ORDER 252 S48 E 470 K V 4 E 2 WVDC CASE SIZE 250 = 25 V CAPACITANCE (pF) TOLERANCE TERMINATION PACKAGING R05 (0201) 201 = 200 V 1st two digits are A = 0.05 pF Nickel Barrier S = Bulk R07 (0402) 251 = 250 V signicant third digit B = 0.10 pF V = Ni/Sn (Green) W = Waffle Pack R14 (0603) 501 = 500 V denotes number of C = 0.25 pF T = Ni/SnPb 0201 - 0603 R15 (0805) 102 = 1000 V zeros, R = decimal. D = 0.50 pF G = Ni/Au (Green) Y = Paper 5 Reel S42 (1111) 152 = 1500 V T = Paper 7 Reel F = 1 % 1 100 = 10 pF Non-Mag 1 S48 (2525) 252 = 2500 V R = Paper 13 Reel G = 2% 101 = 100 pF U = Cu/Sn (Green) 1 S58 (3838) 362 = 3600 V J = Paper 5 Reel - J = 5% C = Cu/SnPb Horizontally Oriented Electrodes 722 = 7200 V K = 10% 1 1 N = Paper 5 Reel - Leaded (All Non-Mag) Vertically Oriented Electrodes DIELECTRIC 1 = Microstrip For tolerance 1 L = Paper 7 Reel - 2 = Axial Ribbon S = Ultra High Q NPO availability, see chart. Horizontally Oriented Electrodes 3 = Axial Wire 1 L = High Q NPO V = Paper 7 Reel - 4 = Radial Ribbon E = Ultra High Q NPO, Vertically Oriented Electrodes 5 = Radial Wire High Voltage, High Power, 0805 - 3838 1 Z = Embossed 5 Reel T = High Temp (175C) E = Embossed 7 Reel Ultra High Q NPO Part Number written: 252S48E470KV4E 1 U = Embossed 13 Reel 1 M = Embossed 5 Reel - Horizontally Oriented Electrodes MARKING 1 Q = Embossed 5 Reel - 3 = Cap Code Vertically Oriented Electrodes 1 & Tolerance G = Embossed 7 Reel - Horizontally Oriented Electrodes 4 = No Marking 1 P = Embossed 7 Reel - 6 = EIA Code Vertically Oriented Electrodes (Marking option is Tape specifications conform to EIA RS481 only available on 0805 and larger case sizes) 1 - Not available for all MLCC - Call factory for info. 2 - WVDC - Working Voltage DC. 7low eSR / HigH-Q CapaCiToR SeleCTion CHaRT RF Power Applications EIA Size 0201 (R05) 0402 0603 0805 0805 1111 2525 3838 Cap. Value NPO NPO (R07S) (R14S) (R15S) (R15G) (S42E) (S48E) (S58E) (R05L) (R05G) Capacitance pF Code 0.1 0R1 0.2 0R2 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 500V 1500V 0.3 0R3 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 0.4 0R4 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 0.5 0R5 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 0.6 0R6 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 0.7 0R7 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 0.8 0R8 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 0.9 0R9 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.0 1R0 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.1 1R1 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.2 1R2 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V A 1.3 1R3 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.4 1R4 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V B 1.5 1R5 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.6 1R6 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V C 1.7 1R7 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.8 1R8 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 1.9 1R9 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V D 2.0 2R0 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 2.1 2R1 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 2.2 2R2 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 2.4 2R4 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 2.7 2R7 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 3.0 3R0 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 3.3 3R3 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 3.6 3R6 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 3.9 3R9 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 4.3 4R3 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 4.7 4R7 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 5.1 5R1 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 5.6 5R6 A** 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 6.2 6R2 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V B 6.8 6R8 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 7.5 7R5 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V C 8.2 8R2 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V D 9.1 9R1 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 10 100 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 11 110 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 12 120 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V F 13 130 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 15 150 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 16 160 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V G 18 180 25 V 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 20 200 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V J 22 220 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 24 240 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V K 27 270 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 30 300 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V 33 330 25 V 200 V 250 V 250 V 1000V 500V 1500V 2500V 3600V 7200V Consult factory for Non-Standard values. **A tolerance only available for R07S (0402) and R14S(0603) caps 8